As for the whites, white females with less than a 9th grade
education had a confidence interval of 99% and a positive correlation
coefficient of 0.409041. I was very amazed at this because for all other
correlations, whites had only had negative correlation coefficient
values. White females with some college also had a confidence interval
of 95% with a correlation coefficient of -0.319526. The only way that I
can explain this is with my knowledge of the stereotype of the typical,
white college female, “year-round spring-breaker” who tends to “get
around a lot,” who is very promiscuous and “easy.”
found it very peculiar that white males with less than a 9th
grade education and those with a 9th – 12th grade
education, correlation coefficients of 0.166453 and 0.081480
respectively, did not have a high correlation because I thought that in
all cases with low education levels, the correlations would be greatest.
This is because I thought that with little education, people are more
apt to make poor, irrational decisions.