



St. Louis Area


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After focusing on race compared to the AIDS rate and seeing how AIDS correlated to each race, I felt that there had to be a great disparity in income between blacks and whites. I hypothesized that income would have a significant correlation with the AIDS Rate, so I decided to compare the Median Income to the AIDS Rate. I found that the correlation coefficient was negative at -0.575139, which is significant at the 99% confidence interval.


Seeing this, I figured out which zip codes had the highest median income and which had the lowest median income and which race was predominant in each. The highest median income was $112,017 for the zip code of 63131, which is predominantly white. The lowest median income was $10,491 for the zip code 63106, predominantly black. With this information, I assumed that there may also be a correlation with many other forms of government income because to my knowledge, more blacks than whites receive some form of government income. I focused on the percentage receiving public assistance income and the percentage not receiving public assistance income to see if they correlated with the AIDS rate. I thought that those receiving public assistance would be concentrated in the black zip codes and those not receiving would centrally be in the white zip codes. Overall, I was correct because zip codes such as 63106, 63107, and 63118 were black and had the greatest percentage of people receiving public assistance, while zip codes such as 63126, 63131 and 63141 were quite the opposite. The correlation coefficient for those receiving public assistance incomes was positive at 0.507365 while it was negative at -0.507365 for those not receiving public assistance incomes. Both of these correlations were at a 99% confidence interval.