Easter Island and its underlying volcanism

Rapa Nui / Isla de Pascua - Chile - flag / bandera


Rapa Nui / Isla de Pascua - Chile - flag / bandera
Tectonic Setting
Eruptive History
Volcanic Deposits
Hazards Map
Easter Island fascinates with, its beauty, its culture, and its mystery.3





Site Bibliography

Flag Image Courtesy http://www.travel-images.com/easter.html. Accessed 23 February 2008.
2. Powell, Bonnie Azab. Berkeley student and former governor Sergio Rapu grapples with taking
          Easter Island into the 21st century. Portraits of Peacemakers. 15 Nov. 2005.
          2008. (Photo by Clive Ruggles.)
3. Photo by Hotel Hangaroa. http://www.hotelhangaroa.cl/gallery.php. Accessed 11 February 2008.
4. Harpp, Karen. Class Lecture. Colgate University. 7 February 2008.
5. Koleszar, Alison. Class Lecture. Colgate University. 24 January 2008.
6. Flenley, John and Paul Bahn. The Enigmas of Easter Island. Oxford: Oxford U., 2003.
7. "A Shrine of a Lost Empire." New York Times (1857-Current File); Jun 15, 1930; ProQuest Historical
          Newspapers The New York Times (1851-2004) pg. XXI.
8. Mann, D., J. Chase, J. Edwards, W. Beck, R. Reanier, and M. Mass. "Prehistoric Destruction of the
          Primeval Soils and Vegetation of Rapa Nui (Isla de Pascua, Easter Island)." In Easter Island:
          Scientific Exploration into the World's Environmental Problems in Microcosm, edited by John
          Loret and John T. Tanacredi, 133-153. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2003.
9. Hubbard, Dennis K., and Michel Garcia. "The Corals and Coral Reefs of Easter - A Preliminary Look."
          In Easter Island: Scientific Exploration into the World's Environmental Problems in
          Microcosm, edited by John Loret and John T. Tanacredi, 53-77. New York: Kluwer
          Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2003.
10. Reanier, Richard E., and Donald P. Ryan. "Mapping the Poike Ditch." In Easter Island: Scientific
          Exploration into the World's Environmental Problems in Microcosm, edited by John Loret and
          John T. Tanacredi, 207-221. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2003.
11. Bonatti, E., C.G.A. Harrison, D.E. Fisher, J. Honnorez, J.G. Schilling, J.J. Stipp and M. Zentilli. "Easter
          Island Volcanic Chain (Southeast Pacific): A Mantle Hot Line." Journal of Geophysical Research
          Vol. 82, No. 17 (1977): 2457-2478.
12. Baker, P.E. "Preliminary Account of Recent Geological Investigations on Easter Island." Geological
          Magazine 104 (1967): 116-122.
13. Photo by A. Hattemer. http://www.scriptedlife.com/blog/?p=170. Accessed 7 April 2008.
14. Advice in lab of Dr. Dan Miller, retired USGS, 9 April 2008.
15. Conclusions made with some of my own observations of the island's features, and with the advice of
           Professor Karen Harpp, 9 April 2008.
16. Photo from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:DSCN0217.JPG. Accessed 13 April 2008.
          Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology. Accessed 22 April 2008.
18. Harpp, Karen. Class Lecture. Colgate University. 17 April 2008.
          Accessed 23 April 2008.
          Volcanism Program. Accessed 24 April 2008.
21. Tanacredi, J.T., K. Buckley, T. Savage and B Cliver. "Rapa Nui National Park, Easter Island, Chile: An Eco-Tourism Outline with Issues and Suggestions." In Easter Island: Scientific Exploration into the World's Environmental Problems in Microcosm, edited by John Loret and John T. Tanacredi, 29-36. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2003.
Questions about this site? Contact Jason Kammerdiener at jkammerdiener@mail.colgate.edu