Easter Island and its underlying volcanism

Rapa Nui / Isla de Pascua - Chile - flag / bandera


Rapa Nui / Isla de Pascua - Chile - flag / bandera
Tectonic Setting
Eruptive History
Volcanic Deposits
Hazards Map
Easter Island fascinates with, its beauty, its culture, and its mystery.3





Hot Spot Volcanism

As this slide from the esteemed Professor Karen Harpp's Powerpoint presentation on Plate tectonics demonstrates, hot spot volcanism occurs in the middle of a plate, rather than at its edges (where most volcanic activity can be found).
As a mantle plume releases magma towards the surface, plates slowly move.  Over time this leads to the creation of a series of volcanic formations.  Also note that older formations are subject to destructive forces of nature such as erosion.  This means formations underwater may once have been islands.4

The hot spot theory claims that sometimes in the center of continental plates mantle plumes exist in which magma from the asthenosphere/lithosphere boundary escapes to the surface.4

As the material from the boundary rises, it undergoes decompression melting.  This occurs when materials at depth are hot enough under normal (i.e. surface) pressure conditions to be liquid.  The pressure of the depth, however, causes the material to remain solid.  As it rises this pressure decreases (there is less material pushing down on it), and it melts, despite remaining approximately the same temperature.  The melt is now a lower density than the material around it, and continues on to breach the surface.4

When the lava is released at the surface it is cooled by the ocean waters almost immediately and begins to pile up around the vent.  In the case of island hot spots (such as Easter Island), this build up is eventually great enough to breach the water level.  The most telling feature of a hot spot is that it will create a string of islands and/or sea mounts, which are essentially 'underwater islands' (raised geologic formations beneath the surface of the water).5

If a chain of islands and sea mounts is the product of hot spot volcanism they should be arranged in order from oldest to youngest.  Why is this?  This reflects the fact that plates on the surface of the earth move while mantle plumes are stationary.  As a plate slowly moves over a hot spot it will form a sea mount or island.  When the plate has moved enough, that formation will stop growing/showing volcanic activity, and a new one will begin forming right next to it.  Then the same process will repeat, with the result being a set of volcanic formations roughly in a line from oldest to youngest.4  As E. Bonatti et al. wrote in 1977, such a chain phenomenon exists with Easter Island, located over the Nazca Plate citing it as a "prominent east-west feature" extending from Easter Island almost to the South American continent.11, pg. 2458

Theories as late as the 1930s that Easter Island was once a great archipelago empire demonstrate the mystery surrounding the island into modern times, as well as the advances that have been made in volcanological science in the past century.7

The existence of such a pattern around Easter Island initially led to some wild speculation about the island and its inhabitants.  For instance, New York Times articles from as late as the 1930s state that, "Today's theory is that Easter Island was at one time the necropolis of a lost empire, probably of a vast archipelago, which has sunk to the bottom of the Pacific."7  Such theories are based upon observations of seamounts in the vicinity around Easter Island, referred to in the article as "submarine islands."7   The hot spot theory proves to be significantly more consistent with archaeological and geologic evidence about the island.

Easter Island's largely basaltic geologic makeup(6, pg. 14) is also consistent with the hot spot theory.  This basaltic composition is related to the fact that the process of decompression melting allows magmas to erupt without losing much heat, and magmas therefore are subject to minimal crystallization.  The resulting lava flows are thus relatively hot and low in silicates, indicators of low viscosity.  Eruptions are therefore likely effusive, which corresponds to the fact that lavas flows (rather than explosions) have tied the three volcanoes of Easter Island together.8, pg 137


Questions about this site? Contact Jason Kammerdiener at jkammerdiener@mail.colgate.edu