Solutions - 15233  
Gay Bars
Peer Referral
The Bridge To Prevention
Public Transportation
Total Costs
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Within the zip code of 15233, an abnormally large number of AIDS cases desperately need to be addressed. This area is known more commonly as the Manchester region, or Northside. The Northside is at risk for significant damage due to many factors, including: a community with 67.91% of its members of black or African American ethnicity, an AIDS rate five times the national (1804.76 per 100,000 as opposed to 328.85 per 100,000), 22.75% of its residents living below the poverty line (poverty line defined as a set of money income thresholds that vary by family size and composition to detect who is poor 1), a 30.77% male householder living with male partner and a percent of community members without high school diploma of 40.63(Table 1.13, Table 1.2, Table 1.5, Table 1.7, Table 1.12, Table 1.11). This provides substantial basis for concern among the Pittsburgh region. In addition, with the highest HIV rate in Pittsburgh, at 410.17 (rather close to the national HIV rate of 412.08) this area remains at risk for upcoming years (Table 1.6, Table 1.1). Not only is this region impoverished, uneducated, struck with a noticeably immense AIDS rate, and a growing HIV rate, but it also carries general risk factors such as a high African American population and a large “down-low” gay community. In essence, this zip code is in big trouble if public health does not do something; and fast.