7. Other Education Related Rates

(Teen Birth Rates and Percent of Registered Voters)





introduction (1)

race (2)

median household income (3)

poverty levels by race (4)

high school dropout rates (5)

SAT scores (6)

drug abuse violations (8)

conclusion (9)

all maps (10)

all scatter plots (11)

bibliography (12)




What else would possibly associate with AIDS rates and perhaps education? 

In order to strengthen the argument that education level and AIDS rates are related, to the next step was to examine the relationship between teen pregnancy rates and the number of registered voters and AIDS rates as a function of education. The rates of teen pregnancies and number of registered voters both appear to be fairly dependent on instruction—those who are less educated would likely be ignorant about abstinence and safe sex, and consequently would show more teen births per the population.

A positive relationship exists between AIDS rates and teen birth rates at 0.8297.

A similarly strong correlation of 0.8535 exists even with Hartford, which has the highest rate of teen births at 63.1, absent from the data. This reaffirms that the higher rate of teen pregnancies appears to lead to a higher incidence of AIDS, and that the issue of teen pregnancies is a huge problem in the county. The association is obviously related to the transmission of the virus during heterosexual sex.


Similarly, only those who are aware of their rights as American citizens and are knowledgeable, about how our government functions would know to register to vote. Those who are uninformed would not know of their ability to vote. It would make sense to anticipate high correlations between AIDS rates and voter registration rates, since the other education/AIDS correlations were strong.

For registered voters, there was a -0.6355 correlation; as the percent of registered voters decreases, the AIDS rate increases.

The capital city of Hartford itself has a large amount of unregistered voters per its population Therefore, when Hartford is taken out of the scatter plot, the correlation becomes somewhat weaker, at -0.54708.