Hekla                       1 

Assessing Risks

National Volcano Early Warning System

From PDF by John Ewert, USGS Open-File Report 2005-1164

The United States Geological Survey recognized that there were potentially dangerous volcanoes in the United States and around the world that were not being properly monitored.  Because of the gap in monitoring, they have developed the National Volcano Early Warning System for managing volcanic hazards in the United States.  NVEWS is a systematic assessment of many volcanic hazards and exposure factors that can be used to calculate a threat score for each volcano.  Based on this score, volcanoes are put into five threat groups, ranging from very low to very high.  Each threat group is associated with a level of monitoring that the volcano should be receiving.  However, in most circumstances there is a gap between how the volcano should be monitored and how it is being monitored.  These gaps show officials where improvement is needed most.  This is extremely important because proper monitoring of volcanoes can provide populations living in the surrounding areas with needed warnings before an eruption takes place. 

            NVEWS uses both the historical background of the volcano and the exposure of the volcano to calculate threat.  The historical hazards and exposure factors for Mt. Hekla are calculated below. 

Hazard and exposure factors used in threat assessment of U.S. volcanoes for the National Volcano Early Warning System.

See appendix text for discussion and explanation of abbreviations.


Hazards Factors



Volcano type

If volcano type is cinder cone, basaltic field, small shield, or fissure vents: Score = 0

If volcano type is stratocone, lava domes, complex volcano, maar or caldera: Score = 1

Eruptive History information: Smithsonian Global Volcanism Project 26


Maximum Volcano Explosivity Index (VEI)

If maximum known VEI ≤ 2: Score = 0

If maximum known VEI = 3 or 4: Score = 1

If maximum known VEI = 5 or 6: Score = 2

If maximum known VEI ≥ 7: Score = 3

If no maximum VEI is listed by GVP and if volcano type = 0: Score = 0

If no maximum VEI is listed by GVP but volcano type = 1: Score = 1

If no known Holocene eruptions and the volcano is not a silicic caldera system: Score = 0

Eruptive History information: Smithsonian Global Volcanism Project 26


Explosive activity

If explosive activity (VEI ≥ 3) within the last 500 years: Score = 1

Eruptive History information: Smithsonian Global Volcanism Project 26


Major explosive activity

If major explosive activity (VEI ≥ 4) within last 5000 years: Score = 1

Eruptive History information: Smithsonian Global Volcanism Project 26


Eruption recurrence

If eruption interval is 1-99 years: Score = 4

If eruption interval is 100 – 1,000 years: Score = 3

If eruption interval is 1,000 to several thousand years: Score =2

If eruption interval is 5,000-10,000 years, or if no Holocene eruptions but it is a large-volume restless silicic system that has erupted in the last 100,000 years: Score = 1

If no known Holocene eruption: Score = 0

Eruptive History information: Smithsonian Global Volcanism Project 26


Holocene pyroclastic flows?

If yes: Score = 1

Eruptive History information: Smithsonian Global Volcanism Project 26


Holocene lava flows?

If Holocene lava flows have traveled beyond the immediate eruption site or flanks and reached populated areas: Score =1 14


Holocene lahars?

If Holocene lahars have traveled beyond the flanks and reached populated areas: Score =1


Holocene tsunami(s)?

Has it produced a tsunami within the Holocene? If yes: Score = 1

Eruptive History information: Smithsonian Global Volcanism Project 26


Hydrothermal explosion potential?

If the volcano has had Holocene phreatic explosive activity, and/or the volcano has thermal features that are extensive enough to pose a potential for explosive activity: Score =1

Eruptive History information: Smithsonian Global Volcanism Project 26


Sector collapse potential?

If the volcano has produced a sector collapse in Quaternary-Holocene time and has re-built its edifice, or, has high relief, steep flanks and demonstrated or inferred alteration: Score = 1

Eruptive History information: Smithsonian Global Volcanism Project 26


Primary lahar source?

If volcano has a source of permanent water/ice on edifice, water volume > 106 m3: Score = 1

Eruptive History information: Smithsonian Global Volcanism Project 26


Historical Unrest Factors


Observed seismic unrest

Since the last eruption, in the absence of eruptive activity, within 20 km of the volcanic edifice? If yes: Score = 1  30


Observed ground deformation

Since the last eruption, in the absence of eruptive activity, inflation or other evidence of magma injection? If yes: Score = 1 32


Observed fumarolic or magmatic degassing

Since the last eruption, in the absence of eruptive activity, either heat source or magmatic gases? If yes: Score = 1


Total of Hazard Factors


Exposure Factors


Log10 of Volcano Population Index (VPI) at 30 km

Calculated with LandScan population database. Visitor statistics for volcanoes in National Parks and other destination recreation areas are added to the VPI factor where available. 35


Log10 of approximate population downstream or downslope

Population outside the 30 km VPI circle included within the extent of Holocene flow deposits or reasonable inundation modeling. This factor to be used only with volcanoes that have a primary lahar hazard (e.g. Cascade stratovolcanoes) or significant lava flow hazard (e.g. Mauna Loa). 35


Historical fatalities?

If yes, and a permanent population is still present: Score = 1

Eruptive History information: Smithsonian Global Volcanism Project 26


Historical evacuations?

If yes, and a permanent population is still present: Score = 1

Eruptive History information: Smithsonian Global Volcanism Project 26


Local aviation exposure

If any type volcano is within 50 km of a jet-service airport, score = 1; if a Type 1 volcano is within 300 km of a jet-service airport, score = 1; if a Type 1 volcano is within 300 km of a major international airport, score = 2; if none of these criteria are met, score = 0. 34


Regional aviation exposure

This score is based on the log10 of approximate daily passenger traffic in each region. At present, in the U.S., this score ranges from 4 to 5.15. The regional risk code is applied only to type 1 volcanoes and those type 0 volcanoes that have produced explosive eruptions. 34


Power infrastructure

Is there power infrastructure (e.g., power generation/transmission/distribution for electricity, oil, or gas) within flowage hazard zones, or in an area frequently downwind of the volcano and close enough to considered at some risk? If yes, score =1


Transportation infrastructure

Is there transportation infrastructure (e.g., port facilities, rail lines, major roads) within flowage hazard zones, or in an area frequently downwind of the volcano and close enough to considered at some risk? If yes, score = 1 36


Major development or sensitive areas

Are there major developments or sensitive areas threatened (e.g., National Park facilities, flood control projects, government facilities, developed tourist/recreation facilities, manufacturing or other significant economic activity)? If yes, score =1 35


Volcano is a significant part of a populated island

Holocene volcanic deposits cover >25% of land mass. If yes, score = 1 1312


Total of Exposure Factors


Sum of all hazard factors x Sum of all exposure factors = Relative Threat Ranking


What does this figure mean?

                    The figure calculated above describes the very high risk threat level associated with Mt. Hekla.  A score of 203.25 fits Hekla into a group of volcanoes having VERY HIGH overall threat scores (324 to 123 points).  Volcanoes in this category should be very heavily monitored because of their increased threat.  This number and level might be slightly misleading in that many of the events counted when calculating this number have only happened once or twice.  Because Hekla has been so well documented since the 1104 eruption, there are records of these hazards occurring and therefore they must be counted. 37

What is the current level of monitoring at Mt. Hekla?

    Because the monitoring level is highly based on the number of seismic stations, and I could only find nine seismic stations, the monitoring level for Hekla is at three.  This is slightly misleading because seismic stations are not as important for Hekla because the volcano gives very little seismic warning before eruptions.  However because of the seismic stations Hekla does have, the GPS deformation monitoring, borehole strain monitoring and observations, Hekla is covered very well.  According to the USGS, level three is basic real time monitoring that provides, “the ability to detect and track pre-eruptive and eruptive changes in real-time, with a basic understanding of what is occurring” (NVEWS).  37

    Personally, I would  Hekla more of a level four as far as monitoring goes.  A level four includes more seismic stations consider(which are not really needed), digital stations, borehole instruments, deformation monitoring, gas monitoring, hydrologic studies, infrared images and Doppler radar coverage.  Volcanologists studying Hekla use many of these monitoring devices to watch the volcano for any activity.

Should any changes be made to mitigate risk at Hekla?

        Hekla is a very well monitored volcano in an area with very experienced Volcanologists.  The area around the volcano is not very populated and there is an extensive historical record for volcanologists and officials to consider.  As long as the current monitoring continues, I would not change anything. 




Questions about this site? Contact me @ mcrackel@mail.colgate.edu