My Solution


Project 3

Drug use and its effect on Women

Current Efforts


Education and the Church

Plan of Prevention




Drugs and Syringe Exchange Programs


            The drug problem is out of control in the Bronx. When combined with AIDS, drug use can lead to neglect of treatment drugs and an earlier death (3; 7). Syringe exchange programs (SEPs) provide a way for drug users to obtain hypodermic needles at little or no cost in order to prevent the transmission of diseases such as AIDS. Although these programs are effective, they are not widely used; residents were uninformed about nonprescription syringe sales at pharmacies. IDUs were aware that purchasing syringes in pharmacies was legal (8). One problem with the use of needles is getting people to properly and safely discard their needles. According to a study conducted by Cleland et al. (2007) in New York City, 38% of participants safely discarded needles while 45% of participants possibly safely discarded their needles. Examples of safe needle disposal include disposing of it at a clinic, a doctor’s office, a pharmacy or the most common of all, a syringe exchange program. Possibly safe needle disposal includes disposing of needles in bushes, garbage cans, the sewer and toilet (9). Using these possibly safe methods of disposal can spread disease because it does not ensure that the needle cannot harm anyone else.