
by Casey Davidow


Lava Flows:

Lava flows are the largest threat to the areas within the caldera.

Notice in the below picture that all of the lava flows are contained in the East side of the island which explains why, in the hazard map, the primary danger zones are within the caldera and the towns that are located directly where the lava would flow. 



View of Fogo highlighting the lava flows ²

Lava Flow during the 1995 eruption.²

The above is a lava flow that did not travel very far, and is a good example of why I do not predict that the lava flows are much danger to the many city of San Filipe, which is located on the west side of Fogo.  The lava flows do not have enough momentum to overcome the caldera rim.

See Risk page for the specific risks of these lava flows.