Mt. Rainier

by Amy Appleby

Location, Location, Location

Latitude: 46.853°N                 Longitude: 121.760°W  x














         Mt. Rainier sits  54  miles south east of Seattle, Washington. It dominates over the Cascade Range by "nearly 3 miles higher than the lowlands to the west and 1.5 miles higher than the surrounding mountains" IV. This gives the illusion that Rainier floats on top of the Cascades.



Tectonic Setting

The Juan De Fuca plate is currently being subducted under the North American Plate. In other words, the Juan de Fuca plate is being 'dragged under' the North American plate due to the weight of the already subducted crust. As the plate descends into the mantle, it releases water trapped within due to the intense pressure. This in turn lowers the melting temperature of rocks and magma rises up towards the crust and the surface. This area of rising magma has created the coastal mountain range: the Cascades.





This type of tectonic setting creates stratovolcanoes along a volcanic arc. These are tall conic volcanoes which have been created by layers of lava, ash and tephra. Due to the nature of subduction zones, the magma that has been melted from the mantle must rise through the continental crust. This rising magma melts the continental crust, which is silica rich and therefore produces viscous lava and ultimately an explosive eruption. This is further intensified by the fact that most stratovolcanoes have magma chambers allowing for crystallization and therefore a more crystal and silica rich viscous magma.



Surrounding rock may prevent magma from rising; it will then accumulate in a magma chamber. As the magma sits, it will separate based on density and start cooling. This cooling process will cause some of the minerals to 'crystallize out'. Subsequently, the magma will become more silica rich, and will start releasing gas. This gas will increase the pressure and may cause breakage to the surrounding rocks forcing a path to the surface resulting in an eruption. At this stage, the magma has been building a huge amount of pressure and become extremely viscous; therefore, any explosion produced in this method will be violent.


The sorts of eruptions that Mt. Rainier will produce are Plinian. These are characterized by their "dark columns of tephra and gas"I. They are often the most devastating volcanoes and their effects can be far reaching. Ash and tephra can lie meters thick after an eruption. Due to the explosively of the event, an eruptive column can reach as high as 45km II, which with strong winds can reach hundreds of miles downwind of the vent. During the 1883 Krakatoa eruption, the explosion was so powerful and the column so high that ash deposits made it around the world and altered the earth's climate for many months III.                                                                                                              6

Therefore, one of the hazards that one should be aware of for an explosive volcano like Mt. Rainier is the fall out and its potential hazards (see the hazard map section for more details). Very little molten lava is produced in these eruptions as most is emitted as ash and tephra. However, these volcanoes tend to partake in 'dome building' where lava will be so viscous that it will create a plug in the conduit and form a dome, which can grow meters in height.


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