Correlations | |
Median Income and Median Family Income Conclusion
Additional data for Santa Clara County for variables that did not correlate significantly with AIDS rates can be found in Table 11, such as the percentage of households that are 7 or more people, and 2 people, average household size, percentage of families that are a grandparent living with a grandchild, and the percentage of households on public assistance. Although Santa Clara County does not have the typical associations with AIDS rate that many other areas around the United States have, such as race, poverty level, and crime rates, there are a few associations that can be obtained from this data. First of all, although causation cannot be determined from this analysis, there is a clear relationship between unmarried partner households and AIDS rate. There is also a negative correlation between AIDS rate and children who live with their biological parents. Both of these suggest that families are a large influence on the spread of HIV, whether it is because gay people tend to not to live in the traditional family household or because children are educated and influenced strongly by family and biological parents in terms of HIV/AIDS education. The relationship between people who identify with two or more races and AIDS rate is one that needs to be explored further, because it is unclear why this is so when no other race or ethnicity data correlates significantly.