Mauna Loa 

By Julie Wallan



Eruptive History of Mauna Loa Volcano, Hawai'i


The colors represent historical eruption flow data up to the present.

Source 15



The Last Major Eruption: 1984


March 25, 1984 - April 15, 1984

Volume of lava produced: 2.2 x 108 m3

Central vent and radial fissure eruptions with lava flows at Moku`aweoweo and SW and NE rift zones

Map of a`a flows from the 1984 eruption.  The lava was unable to reach the major town of Hilo.

 Source 22


Three years prior to the 1984 eruption, earthquakes began and increased in number and magnitude.  Some of the major seismic events leading to the eruption included an earthquake swarm 5 to 13 kilometers below the volcano in September 1983 and a 6.6 magnitude earthquake 15 kilometers southeast of the peak at the Ka`oiki fault system in November 1983.  Leading up to the major eruption in March, lower magnitude but still significant earthquakes increased in their frequency.  A brief eruption at the summit in 1975 began a period of inflation around this area until the eruption in 1984.  Just before the eruption occurred, a series of indicators took place.  Not only did the number of the low magnitude earthquakes increase to a rate of 2-3 per minute;  volcanic tremors were also recorded at Moku`aweoweo.  At 11:30 p.m. the day before the eruption, a tremor began, and by 1 a.m., the tremor amplitude increased a significant amount.  At 1:25 a.m. the eruption was underway.  Eruptive fissures went down the southwest rift zone and northeast portion of Moku`aweoweo (flows A and B on the map).

From March 26 to 29, fast-moving a`a flows advanced in the direction towards Hilo (flow E), and other slower flows were headed to Kulani Prison (flow D).  As seen in the map, the flows heading towards the prison stopped with 3.2 kilometers to go, and did not succeed in crossing Powerline road.  The advancing flow burned vegetation and caused explosions from methane gas on its way to Hilo.  On March 29, a levee broke out (flow F) causing flow E to dwindle.  On April 5, another levee broke out (flow G).  More viscous lava and a decrease in the rate and amount of lava erupted slowed the flows down by causing more frequent levee collapses and channel blocks, which in turn prevented more lava from feeding the flow fronts.  The flows did not reach Hilo because of the vegetation it had to go through, the low temperature and therefore high viscosity of the lava, gentle slopes, and the decline in eruption rate.  The 1984 eruption ended on April 15.

Source 22



The Last 100 Years

A dated layout on the island of each specific historic Mauna Loa flow since 1843.

Source 11


July 5, 1975 - July 6, 1975

Volume of lava produced: 3 x 107 m3

Central vent and radial fissure eruptions with lava flows at Moku`aweoweo and SW and NE rift zones


June 1, 1950 - June 23, 1950

Volume of lava produced: 3.8 x 108 m3

Radial fissure and explosive eruptions and lava flows from SW rift zone that caused property damage


January 6, 1949 - May 31, 1949

Volume of lava produced: 1.2 x 108 m3

Central vent, radial fissure, and explosive eruptions at Moku`aweoweo and SW rift zone, formed lava flows


April 26, 1942 - May 10, 1942

Volume of lava produced: 1.8 x 108 m3

Central vent, radial fissure, and explosive eruptions at Moku`aweoweo and NE rift zone, formed lava flows


April 7, 1940 - August 18, 1940

Volume of lava produced: 1.1 x 108 m3

Central vent, radial fissure, and explosive eruptions at Moku`aweoweo and SW rift zone, formed lava flows


November 21, 1935 - January 2, 1936

Volume of lava produced: 8.7 x 107 m3

Central vent and radial fissure eruptions at Moku`aweoweo and NE rift zone, formed lava flows and property damage


December 2, 1933 - December 18, 1933

Volume of lava produced: 1 x 108 m3

Central vent and radial fissure eruptions at Moku`aweoweo, formed lava flows


April 10, 1926 - April 28, 1926

Volume of lava produced: 1.2 x 108 m3

Radial fissure eruption at SW rift zone that formed lava flows and caused property damage


September 26, 1919 - November 5, 1919

Volume of lava produced: 1.8 x 108 m3

Radial fissure eruption at SW rift zone that formed lava flows and caused property damage


May 19, 1916 - May 30, 1916

Volume of lava produced: 3.1 x 107 m3

Radial fissure eruption at SW rift zone that formed lava flows and caused property damage


November 25, 1914 - January 11,1915

Volume of lava produced: 5.5 x 107 m3

Central vent eruption at Moku`aweoweo that formed lava flows


January 9, 1907 - January 24, 1907

Volume of lava produced: 1.2 x 108 m3

Central vent and radial fissure eruptions at SW rift zone and Moku`aweoweo that formed lava flows and caused property damage


Source 1


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