Mauna Loa 

By Julie Wallan



Assignment 2

According to me, Mauna Loa and the rest of the Big Island of Hawai'i was formed one day when the god Kaukau (Hawaiian for "flood") and the god Ahi (Hawaiian for "fire") the god of the ocean got in an argument.   They were to decide who was to be king of the seas.  Kaukau thought he was the most powerful, and brought on a great flood that flattened Ahi in to the ground.  Kaukau thought he had won, and took his place on the throne.  As the sun dried Kaukau up during the dry season, he could not keep the waters full, which were still trapping Ahi in his eternal prison.  The pressure lessened just enough for Ahi to break from his entrapment, and slowly emerge out of the ground, and out of the water to make his power known to Kaukau.  Every day, Ahi would build a mountain out of his fire and the earth that had trapped him to try and reach Kaukau in the sky.  Every island which was not perfect and to Ahi's liking (he was a perfectionist), would get pushed out of the way in the earth, and Ahi would start fresh on a new one.  To this day, Ahi is still building up his newest mountain, the Big Island of Hawai'i, to one day seek revenge.




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