Current WHCC Services






Current WHCC Services


Plans to Implement







The Women’s Health and Counseling Center provides medical, educational and supportive services to all women, especially those who have language, cultural or financial barriers [13].  The Center has been successful thus far in providing healthcare for women, and was one of the seventeen organizations awarded for contributing to the improvement of the lives of New Jersey women [13].  Currently, the WHCC services include adolescent pregnancy prevention, cancer education, sexual assault support and the testing of sexually transmitted diseases.  The center’s vision statement claims, “We will be recognized as a premier provider of personalized healthcare” and wishes to broaden their services [13].



Picture taken from (


 Although the center strives to promote a healthier community, it does not focus on a major issue in its own town – AIDS.  When I inquired about their HIV testing, the receptionist had to look up the price, implying women do not get tested there frequently; the receptionist later informed me that the test is $25 and is a blood test.  It is critical that the Women’s Health and Counseling Center expand its services to focus on preventing the further spread of HIV/AIDS, and changes need to be made.


Intro    African American Women    Barriers to Prevention    Solution 
