Links To Courses





Courses for Spring 2006


Islamic Heritage of Turkey (Religion 327, ES)

Core Culture:  Middle East




(Previously taught classes)
Some friends had noticed and liked some of my older syllabi. Rather than deleting them,
I have preserved them here in case you prefer them to their current incarnations above.

Courses of Fall 2005

Experiencing Islam, Religion 328

Islamic Mysticism (Rumi, Attar, etc.), Religion 337

Core:  Asia


Courses for Spring 2005

Islamic Mysticism (Persian Love Tradition)  Religion 337

Islam and Modernity (Religion 329)

Core Middle East (Core 183A)


Courses for Fall 2004

Theory and Method in the Study of Religion (Religion 352)

Experiencing Islam (Religion 328)


Courses for Spring 2004

Islam and Modernity

Introduction to the Middle East (Core Culture course)


Courses for Fall 2003

Experiencing Islam (Religion 328)

Rumi Seminar (Religion 412)


Courses for the Spring of 2003

Core Iran A & B

Islam and the Modern World

Courses for Spring of 2002:

Core Iran 185 A & B

Islamic Heritage of Turkey


Courses for the Fall of 2001:

Seminar on Rumi (Relg 412)

Experiencing Islam (Relg 328)

Religion and the Quest for Meaning (FSEM 009)


Classes for Spring of 2001

Core Culture Iran
Core 185 A & B

Islamic Mysticism
Religion 337

Classes for Fall of 2000:

Religion and the Quest for Meaning(Relg 202)

Experiencing Islam (Relg 328)


Classes Taught in Spring of 2000:

Islamic Mysticism (Sufism) (older syllabus, for upper-level students)

Core Culture Iran (185 A & B) (older syllabus, for upper-level students)


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