The rates of HIV/AIDS in Utah were 2,261 or .0024% of the total throughout the United States (949,728). The rate of HIV/AIDS per 100,000 in Utah people is 14.6,(Table1) which is much lower than I originally thought. But in comparison to the United States the rates are similar because the rates per 100,000 persons with HIV/AIDS by Race/Ethnicity for black males are 90.4 and for white males are 10.5 in Utah.(Table2) The percentages of males to females in Utah are 90% of cumulative AIDS cases are male and the remaining 10% are female. In contrast to the United States which is 80.5% male and 19.5% female. In addition; of the cumulative cases of AIDS: 16% occurred as a result of IDU and 6% occurred as a result of heterosexual contact, 62% occurred as a result of MSM, 10% occurred as a result of receipt of blood transfusion, blood components, or tissue, 3% occurred by other/risk factor not reported or identified. When comparing results of the mode of transmission between Utah and the United States the rates for MSM are very different. For Utah it’s about 20% higher than the United States, but I think the results are somewhat skewed because Utah seems to me to be predominantly white throughout the whole state and in turn skewing the data. For instance white people alone consist of 89.2% of the total population for the state of Utah so by just crunching the numbers it is obvious that the majority of AIDS cases in Utah will be white, but the concentration of AIDS within the Black race is much higher than Whites. Nationally the majority of AIDS cases are black, with white following closely behind.

HIV/AIDS Reporting for United States and Utah        Table1

Men Having Sex with Men (MSM) 422,769 45% 74,150 31% 1,421 62% 500 55%
Injecting Drug Users (IDU) 229,811 25% 33,434 14% 373 16% 105 11%
MSM/IDU 61,080 6% 9,483 4% 220 10% 188 13%
Hemophilia 5,737 1% 677 0% 47 2% 2 0%
Heterosexual Contact 117,063 12% 39,482 16% 135 6% 83 9%
Transfusion/Tissue 9,780 1% 1,306 1% 26 1% 2 0%
Other/Undetermined 94,042 10% 83,391 34% 74 3% 107 12%
SUBTOTAL 840,282 100% 241,823 100% 2,298 100% 917 100%
CHILDREN UNDER 13 YEARS                
Mother at Risk/Prenatal Transmission 8,635 91% 4,275 85% 16 80% 12 100%
Hemophilia 242 3% 140 3% 2 10% 0 0%
Transfusion/Tissue 390 4% 61 1% 2 10% 0 0%
Other/Undetermined 179 2% 552 11% 0 0% 0 0%
SUBTOTAL 9,446 100% 5,028 100% 20 100% 12 100%
TOTAL ADULTS & CHILDREN 949,728   246,951   2,316   929  
DEATHS 541,345 57% 0 0% 1,137 49% 32 3%



Racial Distribution for Utah only          Table2                                                                                         

Race AIDS Cases % HIV Positive %
White 1,801 78% 649 70%
Hispanic 296 13% 159 17%
Black 165 7% 98 11%
Am Ind/Al Nat 30 1% 11 1%
Asian/PI 24 1% 7 1%
Unknown 0 0% 5 1%
Total 2,316 100% 929 100%