
Location & Tectonic Setting
Eruptive History
Villarrica Mythology
Photo Gallery
Current Monitoring


1. Global Volcanism Network, Smithsonian Institution, <>. Retrieved 6 Feb, 2008.

2. Francis & Oppenheimer, Volcanoes, Second Edition, 2004, Oxford.

3. Global Volcanism Network, Smithsonian Institution, <>. Retrieved 5 April, 2008.

4. Volcano World, University of North Dakota, <>. Retrieved 10 April, 2008.

5. Ortiz, R., et al. "Villarrica volcano (Chile): characteristics of the volcanic tremor and forecasting of small explosions by means of a material failure method." Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 128.1-3 (Nov. 2003): 247-259. 8 Apr. 2008  <


6. Ewert, John. USGS. "National Volcano Early Warning System." 2005. 21 Apr. 2008, <>.

7. Observatorio Volcanologico de los Andes del Sur, Gobeirno de Chile Servicio Nacional de Geologia y Mineria, <>. Retrieved 8 April, 2008.

8. Calder, Eliza S., et al. "Combined thermal and seismic analysis of the Villarrica volcano lava lake, Chile." Revista Geológica de Chile 31.2 (Dec. 2004): 259-272. 8 Apr. 2008 <>.

9. Global Volcanism Network, Smithsonian Institution,,. Retrieved 5 April, 2008.

10. World Organization of Volcano Observatories, International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior, <>.

11. Google Earth

12. Bluth, G.J.S., et al. "Development of an ultra-violet digital camera for volcanic SO2 imaging." Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research (June 2006) Vol: 161, 47-56.



Fig. 1.1 <>.

Fig. 2.1 <>.

Fig. 2.2 <>.

Fig. 3.1 <>.

Fig. 6.1 <>.

Fig. 6.2 <>.

Fig. 7.1  <>.

Fig. 7.2 <>.

Fig. 7.3 <>.



Vid. 2.1 <>.

Vid. 2.2 <>.

Vid. 2.3 <>.

Vid. 2.4 <>.

Vid. 2.5 <>.