Villarrica Mythology

Location & Tectonic Setting
Eruptive History
Photo Gallery
Current Monitoring


DISCLAIMER: In the unlikelihood that it is unclear, I made this story is not historical in any way whatsoever!

How Volcán Villarrica Came to Be

Many eons ago in a galaxy that happened to be this one, there was a young god named Aghh. Now Aghh was a fairly content god: he slept in past noon on a fairly regular basis, spent his afternoons either playing polo or sunbathing and always whiled away his evenings drinking imported wine and listening to fine music of the classical sort. Aghh's carefree, lackadaisical lifestyle was, even by godly standards, a little ridiculous, and sure enough, piqued the jealousy of his fellow god Gary. Gary, whose job it was to make sure that the sun kept working, had been picking up Aghh's slack for a few million years (Aghh was supposed to keep the moon in working condition).

Alas, one day Gary finally became completely fed up with Aghh's worthless behavior and decided it was time to take action. Gary, who happened to be a fairly proficient Broadway actor on the side, decided to put his stagecraft and acting skills to good use. In a few days he had whipped up a fairly convincing paradise of sorts, complete with a seemingly endless supply of jell-o, within the steep walls of a hollowed out mountain that he conveniently came across. His plan would surely run smoothly.

The next day Aghh woke up at an alarming 1:30 pm to find an invitation on his bed stand. It read: "Congratulations! YOU are invited to be a PLATINUM timeshare holder of paradise! Yes, YOU! Stop by that largish looking mountain to your left to find out more!" Being exceedingly dim of the faculties, Aghh went for the bait and made a beeline for the mountain.

Upon arrival at the mountain, Aghh found himself surrounded by an obnoxiously beautiful paradise and greeted by an obnoxiously...well just obnoxious, real estate agent named Jeanette (Gary in disguise). Jeanette, after chattering senselessly for a few hours, gave Aghh a chance to wander around the "paradise" by himself, so as to not pressure him into a sale. Little did Aghh know that he was walking into a trap...

After Jeanette had snuck out a door, Aghh began exploring his paradise, and quickly came to the realization that everything - from the jell-o to the waterfall to the white sand beach - was made of cardboard and paper maché. "Dammit!" he thought. "F*#%ing con artists! I should've known." Aghh made his way for the door to find that it was no longer there. All of a sudden Aghh heard a loud, deep scraping noise accompanied by increasing darkness, until it was silent and completely dark.

Outside, Gary, with his Jeanette costume thrown aside, had just pushed the top of his newly constructed mountain summit atop the hollowed out mountain. Within minutes though, a deep rumbling could be heard from inside and the top exploded with ash and hot lava as Aghh threw a temper tantrum inside. To Gary's relief, Aghh apparently was unable to get out of the mountain, and thus was stuck inside for all eternity, randomly throwing temper tantrums of varying magnitude which came to be known as volcanic eruptions. The mountain Gary had trapped Aghh in is now known as Volcán Villarrica, for unknown reasons.