Core 116

The Cold Hard Facts About AIDS in Connecticut

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Correlations Between Drug Use and Presence of STDs and AIDS Rate See Maps 4 & 6


Finally, I decided to look at the effect of the rate of STDs and of drug abuse violations on the AIDS rate. I speculated that the presence of high rates of STDs and drug arrests would indicate the existence of a significantly large community of intravenous drug users and therefore of a higher rate of AIDS cases.



Health and Drug Abuse Factors



Correlation Number


Rate of STDs per 100,000 People






Rate of Drug Abuse Violations per 100,000 People






As I expected, both the rate of STDs and of drug abuse violations (per 100,000 people) positively correlated with the AIDS rate. In both instances the correlation coefficient was large enough to indicate a 99% certainty that the presence STDs and drug abuse in a town increased the likelihood of a high AIDS rate.