Correlations of Race and Aids rates
Why Race?
    Because of the high prevalence of AIDS cases within the black community in Montgomery County, one of the first correlations I researched was race. My previous data led me to believe that the percent of the population that was Black or African American would have a positive correlation to the AIDS rate, where the percents for the White, alone and the Hispanic or Latino populations would have negative or insignificant correlations. In fact, both the Black and the Hispanic or Latino populations held positive correlations with coefficients of 0.623 and 0.527, respectively. This information reveals that as the population of either the Blacks or the Hispanic or Latinos increases, the AIDS rate will also increase. The opposite case occurs for the White alone population with a coefficient of -0.538, suggesting that a greater prevalence of the White population will have a lower AIDS rate. These trends are demonstrated in scatter plots.