AIDS in the Circle City

Education Correlations

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            The next correlation I chose to pursue was one involving the education level of the population.  I discovered some interesting correlations.  Of all the different levels of education, I found that the group of people labeled as “No Schooling Completed” was the group with the highest correlation to the cumulative AIDS cases in their zip codes.  The correlation coefficient for this group was 0.611.  As shown on the scatter plot, there is a clear positive correlation between these two groups.  Perhaps the reason for this lies in the fact that although not every school has a fantastic AIDS education program, some information is getting to students.  Or perhaps they cannot get jobs requiring education and therefore end up living in poorer neighborhoods.

            Conversely, the group with the strongest negative correlation was the group that had received an associate’s degree.  This surprised me, as I thought the group with the most would be the one comprised of college graduates.  However, this comprised the highest percentage of the Marion County population.  The correlation coefficient was a strong 0.470.  The groups of people who had received higher ed degrees, such as bachelor’s degrees, medical or law degrees, doctorate degrees, did not have a correlation, positive or negative.  I was surprised that none of these significantly correlated in a negative way.  I assumed that the more educated a person was, the more likely he was to avoid AIDS.  This correlation shows to me that there are sometimes groups of people who are more well educated that I might think. 

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