FSEM 138            AIDS In Onondaga County

Impressions On AIDS


Correlational Analysis





              In the previously mentioned MMWR study, it was concluded that those who were misinformed about HIV transmission were typically more apt to give stigmatizing responses (MMWR). With this information, it seems the most practical way to start combating the disease in any area is through education. By creating awareness about HIV/AIDS and furthering the awareness with knowledge, the spread of the disease and the stigmas behind it will begin to be halted. Sir Francis Bacon, an English philosopher and essayist, once simply stated that “Knowledge is Power”. Right now, the lack of knowledge in communities where the disease is proliferating is empowering the disease. Through education of the masses affected and surrounded by the disease, power will be placed in the hands of the people, who ultimately can stop the progress of HIV/AIDS. Until a vaccine or cure is developed for this disease, education along with preventative measures must be the main focus in the Syracuse area to battle the onslaught of AIDS.