FSEM 138            AIDS In Onondaga County

Impressions On AIDS


Correlational Analysis






              Finally, the last area needing a solution to its AIDS problem is the Westcott 13210 area code, the gay community. It’s interesting that the program which needs to be established there can be found three miles from Westcott, at the SWCC, South West Community Center. Here, as mentioned before, is the FACES program. This program, headed by Sammy Summers, is an outreach based program which assists the HIV/AIDS inflicted inhabitants of the area. It appears to be a great program, except for its location. The Southwest Community Center is located on the west side of Route 81, and for those inflicted with HIV/AIDS living in the Westcott community, they would have to drive either through or around the Syracuse University campus, passed pioneer homes, and eventually arrive at the center. It would make more sense to expand this FACES program to the Westcott community center. Once again, residents of the Westcott area would feel more comfortable attending a program at their own community center rather than elsewhere. This program could be tuned more towards the needs of homosexual individuals, rather than those of the 13202 area code, consisting of an educational and preventative program. Also, a program such as this should have a free condom distribution system for two reasons. The first reason, quite plainly, is that gay men are not going to stop having sex, especially if they feel they are being told and forced to do otherwise. The second reason concerns both self confidence and stigmatization. Buying condoms can sometimes be a frightening and awkward thing, and because of the negative stigmas toward the gay community in the United States, it can only be harder for some gay individuals. By distributing them discreetly at a program such as FACES, education along with safe sex can be promoted. The gay community of Syracuse needs to know that the rest of the community supports them, and by instituting a program such as FACES at the Westcott Community Center, this support will be felt.





Westcott Community Center

Picture Taken From: http://www.westcottcc.org/westcottcntr.gif