AIDS In Onondaga County | |
Moving away from monetary correlations, the next group of statistics examined was population based upon race. To begin with, the white population of an area was taken into account to see if there was a correlation between the percentage of white people living in a zip code and the zip codes AIDS rate. Before the statistic was found, demographically it could be predicted there would be a negative correlation because there is a common perception that white people are not infected with HIV/AIDS nearly as much as other races in the United States. Upon correlating the data, correlations of -.833 and -.831 for living and cumulative AIDS rates were found, respectively. This negative correlation indicates that a higher population of white people in a zip code would often coincide with lower AIDS rates of the area. The same procedure was done for the black population of Onondaga County. In this statistic, correlations of .789 and .785 were found for living and cumulative black AIDS rates, respectively (p. 7). Quite contrary to the white population, this statistic is significantly showing that a higher black population in a zip code coincides with a higher AIDS rate. Finally among race, the correlation of the Hispanic population and AIDS rate of the zip code was computed. A positive correlation of .735 and .713 for the living and cumulative AIDS rates for Hispanics in Onondaga County was discovered, respectively. The demographic maps attached express the number of people of a particular race per 1,000 people living in the zip code.