The Problems
Women and AIDS
Initial Solution
The Black Church
Age? 44
Race/Ethnicity? African American
Gender? Male
orientation? straight
Education Background? I attended
South Shore High School in Brooklyn – graduated – High school diploma
General Background Questions
- What is your current living
situation? Where/ Borough and region
(For example Manhattan, Chelsea district) I live in
a SRO (it’s housing for people with disabilities(mental illness and
substance abuse disorders.) It is situated on Kingsbridge Road in
the Bronx.
- What is your country of
origin? In not born in US, when did you emigrate and under what
circumstances? I was born in the United States and grew up in
- What is your employment
status? I am not currently employed due to my disability. But
previously held store jobs prior to my disability
- How did you first contact
the disease? MSM/ IDU? From an ex-girlfriend
- When were you first
diagnosed with HIV/AIDS? (Month, Year) I was diagnosed in 1993. I
don’t remember the month.
- How long have you been
living with the disease? I have been living with this disease for
the past 14 years
- How many sexual partners
have you had in your lifespan/ how often were you tested? I had
numerous partners maybe more than 50./ Once yearly
- Prior to contacting the
infection, how much did you know about the disease? I had a lot of
information, but I did not think it would happen to me.
- If IDU, what certain drugs
were you taking?
- Were you aware of the risks
of those certain behaviors? Yes.
Specific Analysis Questions
- After being diagnosed were
you required to notify your former sexual partners? Did you receive
assistance with this from the Public Health Department? How were
your partners contacted? Yes. I am not sure
- What medications are you
currently receiving? (What’s the cost of the medications? How stable
are you on your medications? Reyataz, Trivia, Epivir
- How often are you required
to receive checkups from medical officials? Monthly
- What kind of support network
do you receive, if any? (Family, friends, support group, religion)
family and friends
- What was your initial
reaction when first diagnosed with the disease? I was shocked.
- How has having HIV/AIDS
affected your life/ how do the symptoms affect your daily
life?(Fatigue, stress, immobility) It is very difficult to live with
this disease, I am always stressed and tired most of the time.
- What programs are you
currently involved in? I attend a Continuing Day Treatment Program
daily and meet with my psychiatrist and medical doctor on a monthly
- How was your adjustment to
living with HIV/AIDS? Are you still adapting? I have adapted to
living with AIDS and live one day at a time hoping that there would
be better drugs to combat this disease.
- Have you ever been
discriminated against based on having acquired the disease? No,
because I have not told anyone, outside of my family and friends.
- Do you know of other
individuals who have also contacted the disease? Yes
Assistance Based Questions
- What do you believe should
be done to improve your situation? Presently, I am receiving plenty
of support from my doctor and psychologist as well as from the
residence where I live.
- What steps have you taken to
get your life back on track?
I take my medication daily, I try to eat
healthy and stay healthy
- Do you believe there is a
problem within the system in regards to how individuals with
HIV/AIDS are treated? No.
- How much assistance have you
received from outreach programs? I have received plenty of
assistance and support.
- If IDU, were you ever
involved with needle exchange programs?
- How have you changed your
lifestyle and sexual behaviors? I practice safe sex or no sex at
- Are you receiving any
financial assistance to afford the cost of antiretroviral
treatment? No. In my current situation I have Medicaid assistance
which pays for my medication.
- At what stage were you
diagnosed with HIV? Were testing clinics available with your
population? In the beginning stage, yes, during my annual check up
it was revealed to me because I was losing weight.
- If HIV was transmitted
through sexual intercourse, was condom access highly available to
you? Yes. I did not use them all the time.
- What care issues and
challenges, if any, are you faced with? Are health care and
treatment very low? / Do you have access to psychological and social
support? Are there self-supported community initiatives that you
attend? I have a medical doctor and I have psychological support. I
see a psychiatrist on a monthly basis I also have a therapist that I
see on a weekly basis