Actual Interview



The Problems

Women and AIDS


Initial Solution


The Black Church

Secondary Solution



Age?  44

Race/Ethnicity? African American

Gender? Male

Sexual orientation? straight

Education Background? I attended South Shore High School in Brooklyn – graduated – High school diploma

General Background Questions

  1. What is your current living situation? Where/ Borough and region (For example Manhattan, Chelsea district)  I live in a SRO (it’s housing for people with disabilities(mental illness and substance abuse disorders.) It is situated on Kingsbridge Road in the Bronx.


  1. What is your country of origin? In not born in US, when did you emigrate and under what circumstances? I was born in the United States and grew up in Brooklyn


  1. What is your employment status? I am not currently employed due to my disability. But previously held store jobs prior to my disability


  1. How did you first contact the disease? MSM/ IDU? From an ex-girlfriend


  1. When were you first diagnosed with HIV/AIDS? (Month, Year) I was diagnosed in 1993. I don’t remember the month.


  1. How long have you been living with the disease? I have been living with this disease for the past 14 years


  1. How many sexual partners have you had in your lifespan/ how often were you tested? I had numerous partners maybe more than 50./ Once yearly


  1. Prior to contacting the infection, how much did you know about the disease? I had a lot of information, but I did not think it would happen to me.


  1. If IDU, what certain drugs were you taking?


  1. Were you aware of the risks of those certain behaviors? Yes.


Specific Analysis Questions


  1. After being diagnosed were you required to notify your former sexual partners? Did you receive assistance with this from the Public Health Department? How were your partners contacted? Yes.  I am not sure


  1. What medications are you currently receiving? (What’s the cost of the medications? How stable are you on your medications? Reyataz, Trivia, Epivir


  1. How often are you required to receive checkups from medical officials? Monthly


  1. What kind of support network do you receive, if any? (Family, friends, support group, religion) family and friends


  1. What was your initial reaction when first diagnosed with the disease?  I was shocked.


  1. How has having HIV/AIDS affected your life/ how do the symptoms affect your daily life?(Fatigue, stress, immobility) It is very difficult to live with this disease, I am always stressed and tired most of the time.


  1. What programs are you currently involved in? I attend a Continuing Day Treatment Program  daily and meet with my psychiatrist and medical doctor on a monthly basis.


  1. How was your adjustment to living with HIV/AIDS? Are you still adapting? I have adapted to living with AIDS and live one day at a time hoping that there would be better drugs to combat this disease.


  1. Have you ever been discriminated against based on having acquired the disease? No, because I have not told anyone, outside of my family and friends.


  1. Do you know of other individuals who have also contacted the disease? Yes

Assistance Based Questions


  1. What do you believe should be done to improve your situation? Presently, I am receiving plenty of support from my doctor and psychologist as well as from the residence where I live.


  1. What steps have you taken to get your life back on track?

           I take my medication daily, I try to eat healthy and stay healthy


  1. Do you believe there is a problem within the system in regards to how individuals with HIV/AIDS are treated? No.


  1. How much assistance have you received from outreach programs? I have received plenty of assistance and support.


  1. If IDU, were you ever involved with needle exchange programs?


  1. How have you changed your lifestyle and sexual behaviors?  I practice safe sex or no sex at all.


  1. Are you receiving any financial assistance to afford the cost of antiretroviral treatment?  No. In my current situation I have Medicaid assistance which pays for my medication.


  1. At what stage were you diagnosed with HIV? Were testing clinics available with your population? In the beginning stage, yes, during my annual check up it was revealed to me because I was losing weight.


  1. If HIV was transmitted through sexual intercourse, was condom access highly available to you? Yes. I did not use them all the time.


  1. What care issues and challenges, if any, are you faced with? Are health care and treatment very low? / Do you have access to psychological and social support? Are there self-supported community initiatives that you attend? I have a medical doctor and I have psychological support.  I see a psychiatrist on a monthly basis I also have a therapist that I see on a weekly basis



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