- 1. Choldin, H., M. 2005.
Chicago Housing Authority. The Electronic Encyclopedia
of Chicago; Chicago Historical Society.
- 2. Popkin, S. J., &
Cunningham, M. K. (2005) "Beyond the Projects: Lessons From
Public Housing Transformation in Chicago." The Geography of
Opportunity: Race and Housing Choice in Metropolitan America.
- 3. Choldin, H., M. 2005.
Chicago Housing Authority. The Electronic Encyclopedia
of Chicago; Chicago Historical Society.
- 4. Ibid
- 5. Fisher, P. B. (2001).
Section 8 and the Public Housing Revolution: Where will the
Families Go? Woods Fund of Chicago.
- 6. Popkin, S. J., &
Cunningham, M. K. (2005) "Beyond the Projects: Lessons From
Public Housing Transformation in Chicago." The Geography of
Opportunity: Race and Housing Choice in Metropolitan America.
- 7. Fisher, P. B. (2001).
Section 8 and the Public Housing Revolution: Where will the
Families Go? Woods Fund of Chicago.
- 8. Blagojevich, R. R., &
Arnold, D., T. (2005). AIDS cases. Illinois Department of
Public Health.
- 9. Chicago Ward Census
- 10. 2007 Report On
Illinois Poverty: Chicago Area Snapshot, Mid-America Institute
Poverty of Heartland Alliance, Chicago, IL 60640
- 11. Choldin, H., M.
2005. Chicago Housing Authority. The Electronic Encyclopedia
of Chicago; Chicago Historical Society.
- 12. Fisher, P. B.
(2001). Section 8 and the Public Housing Revolution: Where will the
Families Go? Woods Fund of Chicago.