Quantum Theory

Quantum numbers: a given electron has a set of four quantum numbers - no two electrons can occupy the same space
    n - principle quantum number
      1, 2, 3,... k, l, m,...
      2n2 = max. # of electrons in the shell
    l - azimuthal quantum number
      - related to angular momentum and shape of the electron cloud around the nucleus
      l values = 0 to n-1
      s, p, d, f (sharp, primary, diffuse, fundamental/fine)
    m - magnetic quantum number
      - related to the spatial orientation of the orbital
      m values = -l,...,0,...+l
    s - spin quantum number
      s values = + or - 1/2
Note: d-electrons are important in creating color in minerals

Questions to: rapril@mail.colgate.edu
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