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Site name


New York State Science Teacher Listservs



(This website connects New York State science teachers through email using various servers that include a server for individuals interested in physics, earth science, biology, as well as chemistry.)




(This website is a math, science, and technology resource website for both teachers and students. It includes teaching hints as well as unit plans, and a large list of science education organizations, websites created by teachers. It also includes various state standards and assessments for science.)


Science Net Links



(This is an amazing website that contains several lesson plans and topics to teach students. They are organized according to grade level, and the site also includes a list of tools, that include references or different types of media that can be used in the classroom setting that can aid learning. The website also includes several other websites that can be used for reference, and includes websites that have been reviewed.)


Scales Blog Post



(This is a very interesting website, because it shows how we can use science and put it into another perspective. This website gives a few examples of how we can use scale and put it into terms that are understandable for students, as well as easy to conceptually visualize by using ideas that students already know about and understand.)


Michigan Teacher Network



(This website acts as a Michigan Library. The website contains a large selection of resources and documents. The website contains several unit plans, lesson plans, and projects that can be integrated into the classroom setting. This website can be useful to anyone going into the field of education or the field of teaching, and provides a good framework, or background of how to begin lesson plans.)


ReaL Earth System Inquiry



(A very helpful website that goes into the definition of what a virtual field experience is, and possible ways to create a VFE. The website contains various links to different types of virtual field experiences, as well as images used in virtual field experiences. The site also contains links to questions and "big ideas" to consider when learning about science.)


Sarah Miller’s VFT



(This website acts as a virtual field experience, and poses several questions as to why the earth appears the way it does and why. The website itself asks only questions, but it gives a few links to informational files and websites with the hopes that the viewer will learn from the content in the links and be able to ask and answer some of their own questions. It also serves as a framework of possible ways to approach a virtual field experience and asks questions that one who is creating an experience could possibly consider.)


Project 2061



(This is a large website dedicated towards the advancement of science. It has the goal of educating individuals in science, mathematics, as well as technology. It contains several research articles, and online tools and services to aid in the advancement of science. The website contains sections for teachers, schools, those looking for careers, the community, as well as students. The website also contains links to various educational websites, and is quite large, but fairly easy to navigate.)


Project 2061

Middle and High School Science Textbooks



(This website gives a categorical guideline and framework for both middle school and high school textbooks, as well as teaching science. The categories covered are providing students with a sense of purpose, taking into account student ideas and needs, engaging students with relevant ideas, developing and using ideas, promoting student thinking, and assessing students. The website also gives explanations for each of these categories, as well as indicators and ways to rate each category, and examples to do such.)





(This site was used in the creation of an Earth Science survey, in regards to designing an educational website. It allows for a variety of questions to be created such as multiple choice and open ended questions. The website limits the user to create up to 30 questions of their choice.)





(A similar site to Zoomerang, this site is used for the development and creation of surveys. It allows for ten questions to be developed of any format of your choosing, and you are allowed to receive 100 responses on your survey. The website also allows individuals to edit the layout and design of their survey. This website is slightly more user friendly than Zoomerang, however you are allowed fewer questions.)


Aaron Podolner’s info…



(This is a very unique website, because it focuses in on physics, but puts it in another perspective. The article focuses on how we can use physics to help individuals with disabilities, and it is about a unit curriculum used in Illinois that got students interested in using physics for real world applications such as creating devices to help individuals with disabilities. This shows that there are new ways to engage students in science as well as keep them interested.)


STAM video examples



(This website refers to STAM, or The Secondary Teaching Analysis Matrix. It is used as a guide for the description and analysis of teaching. The website contains various documents such as analysis records, and it contains several video examples of strategies used in the classroom to teach. In particular the films focus in on mathematics and teaching about triangles.)

Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org

(A great introductory reference site, or "online encyclopedia," that helps find basic information and facts about various topics. This site was used to find out basic information about quarries.)


Convection Information



(This site is a great site for learning about convection and why temperatures are colder at higher altitudes. It provides several explanations and points of view as to why temperatures are colder at higher altitudes. There are a view graphs and images that go along with the explanations.)


Pat The Librarian Lesson Plans



(This website contains several links to resources and guides to using and creating lesson plans for a wide variety of topics and grade levels.)

Intute: Science, Engineering, and Technology



(This website contains a large search engine that enables the user to search through a variety of topics and filters relating to science, engineering, and technology. The website also contains a "virtual training" section to teach individuals how to integrate technology into topics that include and go beyond science.)

The Physics Front



(A site designed for pre-college physics teachers. The website contains lesson plans, that are searchable by topic, as well as activities and labs to use in the classroom. Through the search engine, relevant links, topics, and references are given.)


Welcome To Quarryville



(This site is dedicated towards general information about quarries. It includes the types of rocks found in a quarry, as well as the process of quarrying, and what the materials in a quarry can be used for.  The site also hosts several images relating to quarries, and also teaches about quarry safety, and hosts many small quizzes that are integrated in its presentation of information.)


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