Home NEPs The Debate Healthcare The Plan Obstacles Conclusions Sources




There will be economic and social obstacles associated with the formation of a program. By utilizing the type of cooperation advocated by the Ethiopian proverb, “When spider webs unite they can tie up a lion,” the creation of NEPs will be much smoother. In reference to the financing of such services, budgets vary from program to program,8 but could be sufficiently covered by a combination of state and local government funding, and foundation, organization, and private donations.13 There is great social outreach in the greater Newark area; many national and international service organizations operate in cooperation with the needs of the towns and society in order to improve the quality of life in the area. By reaching out to local organizations and foundations, such as UMDNJ and local churches, budding NEPs could find the money they need to operate beyond the state funding provided. The support of such organizations could ultimately lead to the expansion and greater success of such services. NEPs would also require the cooperation of local law enforcement. As the laws currently stand, it is illegal to be in possession of drug paraphernalia, including needles and syringes. In order to ensure the participation of IDUs in NEPs, local officials would have to be more relaxed about possession of paraphernalia or a health emergency can be declared in order to allow for the same leniency.
