Correlation Coefficient |
p < |
Level of Confidence |
Percent Black Males with a
Bachelor's Degree |
-0.610 |
0.05 |
95% |
Commute to Work (30-34 minutes) |
0.622 |
0.05 |
95% |
Percent Hispanic Males with some
High School, no diploma |
0.639 |
0.05 |
95% |
Percent White females with
Bachelor's degree |
-0.670 |
0.025 |
97.50% |
Percent Hispanic females with some
High School, no diploma |
0.679 |
0.025 |
97.50% |
Percent Black Females with a
Bachelor's Degree |
-0.701 |
0.025 |
97.50% |
Percent Asian |
-0.718 |
0.025 |
97.50% |
Percent White males with some High
School, no diploma |
0.725 |
0.025 |
97.50% |
Percent White females with some
High School, no diploma |
0.746 |
0.01 |
99% |
Commute to Work (35-39 minutes) |
-0.760 |
0.01 |
99% |
Percent White males with a
Bachelor's Degree |
-0.768 |
0.01 |
99% |
Median Income |
-0.814 |
0.01 |
99% |
Percent Black |
0.817 |
0.01 |
99% |
Percent Native American |
0.842 |
0.01 |
99% |
Percent Black females with some
High School, no diploma |
0.886 |
0.01 |
99% |
Percent Black males with some High
School, no diploma |
0.934 |
0.01 |
99% |
Percent Households with public
assistance income |
0.983 |
0.01 |
99% |