AIDS In Onondaga County

Impressions On AIDS


Correlational Analysis




I don’t think I’ll ever be satisfied with the steps the government takes to help prevent the spread of AIDS, but because of the knowledge I now have of the subject, I plan on doing my part in this war on this terrible virus. It doesn’t take much to take part in an AIDS march, make a donation of ten dollars, show that you actually care and want to make a difference. It’s up to you to be informed, find out the actual numbers, see where the problem really is, and not take what the media says as the complete truth. Sure, Syracuse may not be the AIDS hot spot in the United States, but who’s to say there’s no point in trying to lower its elevated AIDS rate. Why not make the city a model city for the rest of the U.S. with AIDS awareness and prevention programs? To sit back and let the virus run its course is admitting defeat. With the technology and resources America has at her dispense, initiative must be taken beyond what it has been in the past to change impressions, instill motivation, and create a sense of urgency in order to put an end to the devastating nature of AIDS.


Data Table Examining Several Onondaga Zip Codes


Area Code Population Cumulative AIDS Rate Median Household Income % Population by Race (White) % Population by Race (Black)
13027 29,108 51 $51,684 96% 0.7%
13202 5,434 1,472 $10,000 27% 58%
13203 15,435 790 $25,589 73% 13%
13204 20,826 605 $21,387 59% 21%
13205 20,592 505 $23,125 40% 50%
13206 16,562 314 $31,871 88% 5%
13207 14,890 356 $37,757 58% 33%
13208 21,440 336 $26,313 80% 6%
13210 27,352 358 $19,397 64% 21%
