
AIDS in Santa Clara County


State Health Department

My High School and Middle School

My Hometown

The Media

Final Thoughts



Gender Santa Clara County  California USA
Male   3383 (90%) 130777 (91%) 761723 (77%)
Female  352 (9%) 12395 (9%) 181802 (18%)
Transgendered 18 (0%) 774 (0%) 40630 (4%)
Unknown 0 (0% 0 (0%) N/A (N/A)
Total 3753 (100%)  143946 (100%) 984155 (100%)


Race/Ethnicity Santa Clara County        California        United States      
  Cases Percentage Population Population Percentage Cases Percentage Population Population Percentage Cases Percentage Population Population Percentage
Hispanic-All races 1029 27 403401 2 32875 23 10966556 32 155179 16 35305818 13
Not Hispanic- American Indian/ Alaska Native ^ ^ 5270 0 650 0 178984 1 3238 0 2068883 1
Asian/Legacy Asian/Pacific Islancer 195 5 426771 26 3337 2 3648860 11 7659 1 10123169 4
Black/African-American 416 11 44475 3 25590 18 2181926 6 397548 40 33947837 12
White 2089 56 744282 44 80905 56 15816790 47 385537 39 194552774 69
Other 24 0 58386 3 589 0 1078532 3 34994 4 5423425 2
Total 3753 100 1682525 100 143946 100 33871648 100 984155 100 281421906 100


  Hispanic Cumulative Cases Hispanic Population Rate
Santa Clara County 1029 403401 255
California 32875 10966556 300
United States 155179 35305815 440


  White Cumulative Cases White Population Rate
Santa Clara County 2089 744282 281
California 80905 15816790 512
United States 385537 194552774 198


  Black/African-American Cumulative Cases Black/African-American Population Rate
Santa Clara County 416 44475 935
California 25590 2181926 1173
United States 397548 33947837 1171


  Asian Cumulative Cases Asian Population Rate
Santa Clara County 195 426771 46
California 3337 3648860 91
United States 7659 10123169 76


Exposure Category Santa Clara County
United States
MSM 2538(68) 96694(67) 452111(47)
IDU 346(9) 14818(10) 241364(25)
MSM and IDU 277(7) 13445(9) 65881(7)
Hemophilia/Blood Disorder 43(1) 666(1) NA (these numbers in "Other")
Heterosexual Transmission 290(8) 8366(6) 163601(17)
Blood/Tissue Transfusion 56(1) 1952(1) NA (these numbers in "Other)
Other/None Reported/Mother at Risk 203(5) 8005(6) 29661(3)
Total 3753(100) 143946(100)  


California Census Information: (http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/QTTable?_bm=y&-geo_id=04000US06&-qr_name=DEC_2000_SF1_U_DP1&-ds_name=DEC_2000_SF1_U)

California AIDS Information: (http://www.dhs.ca.gov/AIDS/Statistics/pdf/Stats2006/AIDSDec06AIDSMerged.pdf)

US AIDS Information: (http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/topics/surveillance/resources/reports/2005report/table3.htm)




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