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difficulties of adolescents living with HIV: A qualitative analysis. Journal of Sex Education & Therapy, 25, 269-276.

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difficulties of adolescents living with HIV: A qualitative analysis. Journal of Sex Education & Therapy, 25, 269-276.

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difficulties of adolescents living with HIV: A qualitative analysis. Journal of Sex Education & Therapy, 25, 269-276.

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Distribution of HIV Risk Behaviors Among Homeless Youth in New York City: Implications for Prevention and Policy. Child Welfare, 77(2), 195-207.

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reported Sexually Transmitted Diseases Among Homeless and Runaway Adolescents. The Journal of Sex Research, 37(4), 369-377.

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Helping the Urban Poor Stay with Antiretroviral HIV Drug Therapy. American Journal of Public Health, 90(5).

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and social barriers to medication adherence with urban youth living with HIV. AIDS Care, 19(1): 28-31

  1. Bamberger, J. D., Unick, J., Klein, P., Fraser, M., Chesney, M., & Katz, M. H. (2000).

Helping the Urban Poor Stay with Antiretroviral HIV Drug Therapy. American Journal of Public Health, 90(5).

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  1. Rao, D., Kekwaletswe, T. C., Hosek, S., Martinez, J., &Rodriguez, F. (2007).

Stigma and social barriers to medication adherence with urban youth living with HIV. AIDS Care, 19(1): 28-31

  1. Herek, G. M., & Capitanio, J. P. (1999). AIDS Stigma and Sexual Prejudice.

American Behavioral Scientist, 42, 1126-1143.  

  1. Herek, G. M., & Capitanio, J. P. (1993). Public reaction to AIDS in the United

States: A second decade of stigma. American Journal of Public Health, 83,574-577.

  1. Bamberger, J. D., Unick, J., Klein, P., Fraser, M., Chesney, M., & Katz, M. H. (2000).

Helping the Urban Poor Stay with Antiretroviral HIV Drug Therapy. American Journal of Public Health, 90(5).

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