Conjoint Analysis Survey for the Mojave National Preserve

Demographic Questions:

Have you visited the Mojave National Preserve? If so, how often?

Are you, have you ever been, or have you had a relative serve in the armed forces?

Do you use public transportation, carpool, or drive alone to get to work?

Do you own or operate a farm?

Do you own or operate an off-road vehicle?

What is your profession?

What is your gender?

Please check the box that matches your annual income

- < $20,000

- $20,001-$50,000

- $50,001-$100,000

- >$100,000

Molycorp Mine Inc. which began producing lanthanides in 1950s is currently one of California’s largest producers of toxic waste. In recent years there have been a series of seven toxic discharges which have had dramatic effects on surrounding wildlife and groundwater. The following question asks you to rank various scenarios regarding these circumstances. There were 350,000 gallons of waste emitted during the discharges. This had the effect of severely polluting groundwater and poisoning local wildlife. Abundant plant/animal life refers to the maximum level of naturally occurring organisms. Mildly abundant plant/animal life would imply that certain species would be endangered. Scarce plant/animal life would imply that several species went extinct. Excellent water would contain no pollution, good would contain trace levels of pollutants (below hazardous levels), while poor would contain hazardous levels of pollutants. The fee in all scenarios represents a one time state tax increase.

Survey administered to all park visitors and local residents.

Please rate on a scale of 1 (very undesirable) to 10 (very desirable) each of the following scenarios about mining by Molycorp Mine Inc.:

Scenario     Toxic Waste Emitted          Plant/Animal Life          Water Quality          Fee

1              100,000 gallons            Abundant                 Excellent            $100

2              300,000                     Scarce                         Poor                     $25

3              200,000                            Scarce                     Good               $60

4              200,000                     Mildly Abundant        Poor               $60


The army currently owns and operates 5 facilities in close proximity to the Mojave National Preserve. Due to operations at these compounds, there has been an increase in light, noise and air pollution which has had adverse effects on natural and cultural resources, as well as tourism. The following question asks you to rank various scenarios regarding these circumstances. Training operations refers to the number of operations conducted at the base per day. Air pollution is ranked in terms of particulate matter; low means high visibility, medium moderate visibility, and high meaning low visibility. Noise pollution is measured in decibels. The fee in all scenarios will be a one time state tax increase.

Please rate on a scale of 1 (very undesirable) to 10 (very desirable) each of the following scenarios about military training operations:

Scenario     Training Operations     Air Pollution     Noise Pollution Fee

1                 2                          Low p.m.        20 decibels $75

2                 15                         Medium p.m. 50                  $120

3                  7                         High p.m.        85                 $60


Las Vegas is currently the fastest growing urban area in the nation. In conjunction with the expanding population of southern California, this has resulted in increasing traffic on interstates bordering the preserve. The following question asks you to rank various scenarios regarding these circumstances. Traffic is measured in total vehicles per day traveling on the highways (current traffic is between 26,000 and 35,000 cars per day). Emissions are measured in carbon monoxide levels, with low being tolerable, high affecting the elderly and small children, while toxic would be harmful to most of the population. The fee in all scenarios will be a one time state tax increase.

(This scenario also given to residents of the Los Angeles and Las Vegas metropolitan areas)

Please rate on a scale of 1 (very undesirable) to 10 (very desirable) each of the following scenarios about urban sprawl:

Scenario     Residential Developments          Traffic              Emissions          Fee

1            2 new communities             30,000 veh/day          High CO              $50

2                 9                                  20,000                 Low CO        $300

3                 4                                 45,000                         Toxic             $75


The preserve also faces local pollution issues consisting primarily of particulate matter from off-road vehicles, livestock grazing, and other agricultural activities. These behaviors have left certain areas of the preserve denuded or sparsely vegetated, allowing wind erosion to occur and air quality to suffer and occasionally causing violations of particulate standards at many locations. The following question asks you to rank various scenarios regarding these circumstances. The fee in all scenarios will be a one time state tax increase.

Please rate on a scale of 1 (very undesirable) to 10 (very desirable) each of the following scenarios about local pollution and agriculture:

Scenario     Off Road Traffic          # of Herds          Farming techniques    Fee

1                 20 veh/day                 5         High Tech - Low Pollution          $150

2                      9                             3             Low Tech - High Pollution          $60

3                     16                             7         Moderate Tech - Mod. Poll          $55

