main page / market failures / next page -Conjoint Analysis- Introduction: Our conjoint analysis survey will atempt to gauge the extent to which both users and nonusers value the existence and preservation of the Montery Bay National Marine Sanctuary. By asking people to rank important attributes in the scenarios presented, based on willingness to pay, information can be attained on preferences. In addition, by allowing survey takers to rank their values, the prospect of obtaining more accurate and unbiased evaluations of preferences is higher than if we simply ask them to assign an exact dollar value to specific issues. The attributes we will ask people to value, not singularly but in groupings, will be: water congestion, wilderness protection, physical access to water areas varying with levels of scientific research, noise pollution, wildlife preservation, peacefulness of surroundings, recreational opportunities and economic profits. It is also important to consider who will be taking the survey since many different groups are affected by actions in the Sanctuary. The major groups we will question are year-round residents, tourists, environmental lobbyists, those involved directly with the preservation and scientific research in the Sanctuary, and those involved on the commercialization/ industrialization/ business side of the area (ie: tourism). A random selection of the general population must also be surveyed to ascertain the importance of nonuse values, due to the water's overall nonexcludability. The data from the conjoint analysis questionnaire can be used to create policies that will maximize the net benefits of those involved. ________________________________________ _________________________________ - QUESTIONNAIRE -
Background: The Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, designated in 1992, is the largest of twelve marine sanctuaries nationwide managed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Encompassing over 5,300 square miles of water and stretching along 300 miles of California coastline, the Sanctuary contains many diverse ecosystems, including wind-swept beaches, lush kelp forests, and one of the deepest underwater canyons in North America. The goals of the sanctuary are to 1) enhance the existing regulatory resource protection programs; 2) establish a research program to expand knowledge of the Sanctuary environment and resources; 3) initiate a broad-based education program to improve public understanding of the Sanctuary's importance as the habitat for a unique community of marine organisms; and 4) provide a comprehensive management framework to protect this habitat. It attracts visitors from all over the world who come to enjoy its natural beauty and many recreational opportunities. Unfortunately, the unregulated population levels around the Sanctuary (visitors and residents, alike) and expanding general use are cause for rising environmental problems- pollution of the air, water, and land is increasing, and while many private organizations are dedicated to the protection and preservation of the area, ill-defined property rights and free riding are both posing additional threats to the area.
Terminology used in questionnaire:
1) water congestion:
2) wilderness protection: level to which visitors affect natural habitats
3) access to water due to varying levels of scientific research and observation:
4) noise pollution/ peacefulness of surroundings: created from motorized water sports and other recreational activities
5) wildlife preservation: measure of protection given to endangered species (including fish)
6) recreational opportunities: number of different sporting options available such as kayaking tours, surfing, sailing, and whale watching.
7) local economic profits: The profits from this area help to support the wildlife preservation of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, as well as promote the ecological habitat of the area. It is also a measure of the amount of the tourist's willingness to pay for the preservation of the area, because of their participation in recreation in this particular region. ____________________________
Scenarios: A:
Demographic Information: (required) 1) gender: M or F 2) age: ______ 3) occupation: _____________________ 4) hometown (city and state): _____________, ____ 5) average vacations taken/ year: ______ 6) average visits to Monterey Peninsula/ year: ______ 7) have you ever visited the Monterey Bay Aquarium? YES or NO 8) What types of water recreation have you participated in (ie. surfing, sailing, kayaking, etc.)? _________________________________ 9) What is the most important aspect about the Monterey Peninsula and its surrounding waters? _________________________________ 10) average length of stay: _____________ 11) have you ever contributed to a charitable environmental organization? YES or NO 12) are you a member of an environmental group of any kind? YES or NO