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<TITLE> Environmental Economics: Snowmobiling in the Adirondacks </TITLE>

<META NAME="description" CONTENT="An analysis of the effects of snowmobile use in Adirondack State Park">

<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="snowmobiling, snowmobile, Adirondacks, Colgate University, environmental economics, environment, state park, natural resource, New York">



Snowmobiling in the Adirondacks

News Alert May 25, 2000:

House Passes Bill H.R. 4560 allowing snowmobiling in National Parks. Call your Senator and tell them you want to protect our national resources!


Adirondack Park, comprising almost one-fifth the state of New York, was officially declared a preserved wilderness in 1882 by the state government, making it the first great protected wild land. The "blue line," the boundary of the park, runs the gamut of 6 million acres, about the size of neighboring Vermont and larger than Yellowstone, Yosemite and the Grand Canyon combined.

The 'dacks, as the park is lovingly called, is home to a myriad of flora and fauna as well as a burgeoning human population. In fact, the park is peculiar in that it is comprised of both public and private lands, a source of constant debate between recreational users and locals. Despite these quibbles, however, it is in everyone's best interest to look to preserving and protecting the environment of the Adirondack wilderness so that future generations may enjoy its serenity and beauty.

This site hopes to further that interest by examining the effects of one of the park's most popular sports, Snowmobiling, on the natural environment. Our goal as Economics students is to weigh the marginal costs and benefits of snowmobiling, as well as to determine the severity of the social marginal cost.

The following links provide information related to the Adirondacks and our project.

Market Failures        Conjoint Analysis        Questionnaire       Pollution Rubric


New York Snowmobile Association

Friends of the Environment

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