Possible policies concerning Park conservation and/or commercial airport development:

Those opposing airport development are attempting to raise funds in order to stop the conversion of the airbase and to purchase lands that can act as buffer zones for Biscayne National Park. 42 local, regional, and national environmental agencies are working together to form policies to help Biscayne Bay. Please review the following scenarios that may be a result of the policies being considered by all interested parties concerning the Park and the airport.

The intention of the following questions is to ascertain the value that society places upon the conservation of this National Park in light of the convenience associated with a new airport. We would like to receive objective data in order to facilitate the decision regarding the best possible policy. Our goal is that the data received from this survey will bring about the highest possible welfare for all concerned parties. Information about you will help us focus in on those who are affected, and to what degree they are affected, by the policies regarding Biscayne National Park.

I. Have you visited or would you consider visiting Biscayne National Park?

------yes, please fill in parts II, III, and IV.

------no, please skip to part IV.

II. Please read the following scenarios if you are interested in fishing:

Scenarios Ave. # of fish caught per visit Ave. length of fish (inches) Amount of noise pollution (db) Entrance fee per guest (adult/child)
1 10 13-15 None 7/3
2 7 11-13 40 at 20 minute intervals 5/2
3 5 10-11 65 at 20 minute intervals 3/1
4 4 9-10 65 at 15 minute intervals 2/free
5 3 6-9 65 at 10 minute intervals free/free

Please rank these scenarios from most desirable to least desirable:

------ ------ ------ ------ ------


most desirable least desirable

III. Please read the following scenarios if you are interested in viewing wildlife in the park:

Scenarios Ave. # of large animals viewed per visit (alligators, pelicans, dolphins, manatees, etc.) Ave. # of small animals viewed per visit (frogs, lizards, squirrels, etc.) Amount of noise pollution (dB) Entrance fee per guest (adult/child)
1 15-20 20-25 none 7/3
2 12-17 18-23 40 at 20 minute intervals 5/2
3 10-15 14-19 65 at 20 minute intervals 3/1
4 8-13 10-15 65 at 15 minute intervals 2/free
5 5-10 8-13 65 at 10 minute intervals free/free

Please rank these scenarios from most desirable to least desirable

------ ------ ------ ------ ------


most desirable least desirable

IV. Please read the following scenarios whether or not you visit (or plan to visit):

Scenarios Increase in state tax rate (next year) Health of Park Development of airport
1 0 Poor Extensive commercial airport
2 10 Fair Medium commercial airport
3 20 Good No airport
4 40 Excellent No airport, buffer zones purchased to prevent future development

Please rank the following scenarios from most desirable to least desirable:

------ ------ ------ ------


most desirable least desirable

Please tell us about yourself:

What is your annual household income level?

__ less than 20,000 dollars

__ 20,000 to 35,000 dollars

__ 35,000 to 50,000 dollars

__ 55,000 to 70,000 dollars

__ more than 70,000 dollars

Do you fish?

__ yes

__ no (skip the next three questions)

Have you ever fished in Biscayne Bay or the surrounding areas?

__ yes

__ no

if yes, how many times annually?

__ less than 1

__ 1-3

__ 4-6

__ 7-10

__ more than 10

How many years of experience do you have fishing?

__ less than 1

__ 1-3

__ 3-10

__ 10-20

__ more than 20

Have you ever viewed wildlife in Biscayne Bay or surrounding areas?

__ yes

__ no

if yes, how many times annually?

__ less than 1

__ 1-3

__ 4-6

__ 7-10

__ more than 10

Thank you very much for your time.