CORE 151 L
Western Traditions
Prof. Gregory
Fall 2001
Pronunciation Guide for Lattimore’s Iliad
Common Digraphs* |
ai | ee | (Achaians — a-kee'-anz) |
au | aw | (Glaukos — glaw'-kos) |
ch | k | (Achaians — a-kee'-anz) |
ei | ee | (Aineias — ee-nee'-as) |
eu | yoo | (Eurybates — yoo-ri'-ba-teez) |
oi | ee | (Phoibos — fee'-bos) |
*I.e., two letters producing one syllable—in some cases a syllable break divides the above pairs of letters and so they do not function as a digraph (Briseis — breye-see'-is, not breye-seez)—moreover, some standardized names don’t follow the above pronunciation rules (Poseidon — po-seye'-don, not po-see'-don)
Common Name Endings |
aos | ay'-os | as in ‘day’ and ‘ghost’ (Menelaos — me-ne-lay'-os) |
es | eez | as in ‘skis’ (Ares — air'-eez) |
eus | yoos | as in ‘it’s no use’, not yooz (Atreus — ay'-tryoos) |
is | is | as in ‘kiss’, but not quite so long on the ss, not iz (Artemis — ar'-te-mis) |
os | os | as in ‘ghost’, not aws, not oze (Glaukos — glaw'-kos) |
Selected Names |
Achaia | a-kee'-a |
Achaians | a-kee'-anz |
Achilleus | a-kil'-yoos |
Agamemnon | a-ga-mem'-non |
Agenor | a-jee'-nor |
Aiakides | eye-a'-ki-deez |
Aias | eye'-as |
Aineias | ee-nee'-as |
Alexandros | al-eks-an'-dros |
Anchises | an-keyes'-eez |
Andromache | an-dro'-ma-kee |
Antenor | an-tee'-nor |
Aphrodite | a-fro-deye'-tee |
Apollo | a-pol'-oh |
Ares | air'-eez |
Argeďphontes | ar-ge-i-fon'-teez |
Argives | ar'-geyevz |
Artemis | ar'-te-mis |
Asclepios | a-sklee'-pi-os |
Asteropaios | a-ste-ro-pee'-os |
Athene | a-thee'-na |
Atreides | a-tree'-deez |
Atreus | ay'-tryoos |
Atrytone | a-tri-to'-ne |
Automedon | aw-to'-me-don |
Briseis | breye-see'-is |
Briseus | breye'-syoos |
Charis | kair'-is |
Cheiron | kee'-ron or keye'-ron |
Chryseis | kreye-see'-is |
Chryses | kreye'-seez |
Danaans | dan'-ay-anz |
Dardanian | dar-day'-nee-an |
Deďphobos | dee-i'-fo-bos |
Demeter | de-mee'-ter |
Diomedes | deye-o-mee'-deez |
Dione | deye-o'-nee |
Euphorbos | yoo-for'-bos |
Eurybates | yoo-ri'-ba-teez |
Eurydamas | yoo-ri'-da-mas |
Eurymedon | yoo-ri'-me-don |
Gerenian | jer-ee'-nee-an |
Glaukos | glaw'-kos |
Hekabe | hek'-a-bee |
Hephaistos | he-fees'-tos |
Idomeneus | eye-do'-men-yoos |
Kalchas | kal'-kas |
Kebriones | ke-breye'-o-neez |
Klytaimestra | kleye-tee-mest'-ra |
Leto | lee'-to |
Lykaon | leye-kay'-on |
Lykia | li'-kya |
Menoitios | me-nee'-shos |
Meriones | mer-eye'-o-neez |
Mykenai | mi-kee'-nee |
Myrmidons | mur'-mi-donz |
Odysseus | o-dis'-syoos |
Olympos | o-lim'-pos |
Phoibos | fee'-bos |
Phoinix | fee'-niks |
Phrygia | fri'-jya |
Phthia | fthee'-a |
Poseidon | po-seye'-don |
Poulydamas | po-li'-dam-as |
Priam | preye'-am |
Sarpedon | sar-pee'-don |
Skaian | skee'-an |
Skamandros | ska-man'-dros |
Sthenelos | sthen'-el-os |
Talthybios | tal-thi'-bee-os |
Telamon | tel'-a-mon |
Telamonian | tel-a-mon'-ian |
Teukros | tyoo'-kros |
Thetis | the'-tis |
Tritogeneia | treye-to-gen-ee'-a |
Troad | tro'-ad |
Tydeus | teye'-dyoos |
Zeus | zyoos |
Note that in most of the longer names the main stress falls on the third to last syllable.
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