Colgate University
Study Group
@The National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD

Who Should Apply?

The NIH Study Group is open to highly qualified undergraduates with strong backgrounds and interests in the sciences. Approximately 20 students will be selected to participate in the NIH Study Group.

The typical program participant is a senior majoring in Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience or other related field, but juniors and non-science majors with the appropriate prerequisites have participated successfully in the past. Because the application deadline is a full year before the study group takes place, the typical applicants in the first half of the sophomore or junior year.

What Are the Prerequisites?

Prerequisites include good academic standing (a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 point scale, or better), completion of a year of general chemistry (or its equivalent), a year of Organic Chemistry (or its equivalent) and at least one course in math or computer science. Experience in a research setting is desirable. Successful applicants will be highly motivated toward a career in the biomedical or health sciences and be capable of working independently in a research environment.

When Are Applications Due?

Applications are due by November 15 of the year prior to the study group. Students will be notified of their acceptance status by December 15, and will be expected to notify Colgate of their decision to attend the program by January 10. Download your application today. If you don't have Acrobat reader you must download it first.
Questions to: Dr. Nancy Pruitt
Copyright 1998 © Colgate University.