Paper 1 Works Cited
1. “Academic Standards for Health, Safety, and Physical Education.” July 18, 2002. Pennsylvania Department of Education. 18 Sep. 2007 <>.
2. Dyer, Ervin. “The Next Page: AIDS in Africa / Three stories, millions more.” Editorial. Pittsburgh Post Gazette 2 Sept. 2007: G-6.
3. Chute, Eleanor. “Anti-AIDS Effort Takes To the Street.” Pittsburgh Post Gazette 27 March 2005: B-4.
4. Heinrichs, Allison M. “Pitt moves to forefront in AIDS research.” Pittsburgh Tribune-Review 28 August 2007.
5. Focareta, Gina. “The 10th and Last Pittsburgh AIDS Walk.” 2004. The New People. 16 Sept. 2007 <>.
6. Smith, Pohla. “AIDS Walk Nearing End of Line.” Pittsburgh Post Gazette 2 March 2004: Local A-12.
7. Russell, Allyson. “Rap CD Helps To Target AIDS; Lyrics Send Message About HIV.” Pittsburgh Post Gazette 26 June 2006: Local B-2.