Official Memorandum

To: Esteemed Judges of the Colgate High Tribunal
From: Supreme Court Justice Soja
Re: Dinosaur Cloning

I've been informed that you are going to be reviewing a case brought before your court on whether extinct forms of life (e.g., dinosaurs) should be cloned from ancient DNA. As this is the first such attempt at cloning dinosaurs, I would remind you that your decision carries great importance. I would also warn you that special interests are attempting to influence the case on both sides. It is your duty as Judges to investigate the scientific and ethical aspects of the matter thoroughly so that you are sure of the evidence and arguments presented in court. I would urge you to review the various facts and theories of cloning, evolutionary principles, and dinosaurs. After you have completed your research, I recommend that you prepare questions to pose to both sides of the case before you. I have placed a large group of specialists on hand to advise you in your decision. Feel free to call on them to explain a fact or point out a discrepancy in the lower court's argument. I will be watching this case carefully and expect YOU to reach the final decision. Good luck!

C.M. Soja,
Supreme Court Justice

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