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Here are some general environmental links. Each of the legislation pages have specific links dealing with the contents of the page, but the focus of this page is to link you to comprehensive environmental links.


Envirolink: - This will link you to any environmental organization under the sun. If there is a specific organization you are interested, you can find it on this page.


The Directory of Environmental Resources on the Internet - provides listings and links to useful on-line resources pertaining to environmental issues. This Directory provides information on public agencies, private companies, other organizations, environmental software, legislation, and activities.


Surfriders - The Surfrider Foundation is a non-profit environmental
organization dedicated to the protection of the coast through
conservation, activism, research and education.


SOFAC - SOFAC is a regionally based environmental networking project which includes many grassroots organizations as well as established environmental groups.


League of Conservation Voters - This is a page dedicated to educating congress about the environment. By clicking on "scorecard" you can learn about how your congressmember votes on environmental legislation. If they have a low score, contact them and let them know that they should be more concerned about the environment.


Ecomall - If you are concerned about the environment you are also probably concerned about products you buy. This page gives you information about ecofriendly products. It also has information about the environment.You can find out more information about: COMPANIES-PRODUCTS, GREEN-SHOPPING-MAG, DAILY-ECO-NEWS, ECO-FORUMS, ACTIVISM, name a few.


******* Colgate Environmental Web Sites ********

Environmental Careers - If you are interested in pursuing an environmental career this page will be very helpful. Click on index and then choose environment.


Students for Environmental Action - This is a student-run organization at Colgate University. This site provides you with information about the environment and links you to some great environmental sites.


Environmental Education - This is a link to another Colgate web site that has lots of good stuff on educating students on the environment. A great teachers resource.


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