The world's major current energy resources are fossil fuels (coal, petroleum, and natural gas) and uranium. However, their disadvantages: rising costs, growing scarcity, vulnerability to political developments, and contributions to air pollution, acid rain, and global warming - have led society to investigate alternatives such as geothermal, hydro, wind and solar energy. This page focuses on some alternative energy sources and the impact they have on the environment.

Solar Energy : There is tremendous potential for solar energy. For example, photovolatic cells are made of semiconductor materials that develop voltage when sunlight strikes them. We need to push Congress to realize the potential solar energy holds for a healthy environment.

Wind: Wind provides an abundance of clean energy. Wind generators must be built in locations where wind speeds average at least 12 miles per hour. Currently wind produces energy at a cost higher than the current price of coal-generated electricity. If Congress to passes HR 1401/ S1459 energy from wind can be produced at lower costs, and thus be used more often.

Water (Hydroelectric) Power : Hydroelectricity is the cheapest form of electric power, but it has major environmental impacts. Today, it accounts for 24% of the world's electricity. Hydro plants can affect fish and wildlife habitat. Its use requires the damming of a river and often the creation of a large reservoir.

Geothermal: Geothermal energy uses the heat in underground rocks or water. In principle, geothermal energy can be extracted almost everywhere in the world. However, habitat may be destroyed in geothermal well construction.

Biomass (photosynthetic energy): Biomass refers to plants and organic matter which are burned or converted into fuel before being used to produce electricity. According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory: "Biomass energy generates far less air emissions than fossil fuels and reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills".

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