S. 687-
(Sponsor: Sen Jeffords introduced 05/01/97)
Electric Systems Public Benefits Protection Act of 1997: A bill to enhance the benefits of the national electric systems by encouraging and supporting State programs for renewable energy sources, universal electric service, and energy conservation and efficiency, and for other purposes. The legislation would end the subsidies that currently favor energy generation by dirty, mostly older coal-fired power plants that damage public health and contribute to changing the climate of the entire planet.

S. 829
( Sponsor: Sen Boxer )
Clean-Fuel Vehicle Act of 1997: A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to encourage the production and use of clean-fuel vehicles, and for other purposes.

S. 416
Sen Murkowski Introduced 03/10/98)
Energy Policy and Conservation Act Amendments of 1997: A bill to amend the Energy Policy and Conservation Act to extend the expiration dates of existing authorities and enhance emergency program of the International Energy Agency.

S. 1375
Senator Kohl )
Federal Energy Bank Act: A bill to promote energy conservation investments in Federal facilities, and for other purposes.


HR 1359
Rep DeFazio introduced 04/17/97)
Amends the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 to establish a means to support programs for electric energy conservation and energy efficiency, renewable energy, and universal affordable services for electric consumers.

HR 655
Rep Schaefer Introduced 02/10/98)
Electric Consumers' Power to Choose Act of 1997: A bill to give all American electricity consumers the right to choose among competitive providers of electricity, in order to secure lower electricity rates, higher quality services, and a more robust U.S. economy, and for other purposes. The bill would allow States to oversee the recovery of "stranded costs" - costly investments such as nuclear power plants that utilities have built to meet future demand for electric power.

HR 2568 /S. 1141
Rep Shimkus and Sen Johnson Introduced 09/97)
Energy Policy Act Amendments of 1997: A bill to amend the Energy Policy Act of 1992 to take into account newly developed renewable energy-based fuels and equalize alternative fuel vehicle acquisition incentives to increase the flexibility of controlled fleet owners and operators, and for other purposes. For example, this legislation would take into account soybean fuel, which would reduce our dependence on oil.

HR 2915
Rep Shaefer Introduced 11/07/97)
Amends the Energy Policy and Conservation Act and Energy Conservation and Production Act to continue authorization of appropriations for FY 1998 through 2002 for the following programs: (1) interagency working groups under the International Energy Program; (2) energy conservation plans; (3) energy conservation programs for schools and hospitals; and (4) the weatherization program.

HR 2914
(Sponsor: Rep Saxton Introduced 11/07/97)
Sound Science for the Environment Act: A bill to improve the governmental environmental research and information by organizing a National Institute for the Environment, and for other purposes.

********** Wind Legislation **********

HR 2902
( Sponsor:
Rep McDermott )
A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to apply the energy credit to small wind turbines.

HR 1401/ S. 1459
Rep Thomas and Sen Grassley )
The wind energy Production Tax Credit (PTC) extension bill: A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide a 5-year extension of the credit for producing electricity from wind. Extending the PTC is clearly one of the most important mechanisms needed to spur further development of clean, renewable wind energy at cost-competitive rates. Please encourage your congressmember to become a cosponsor of this bill.


********** Miscellaneous **********

House Renewable Energy Caucus
The mission of the House Renewable Energy Caucus is to increase awareness of the various forms of renewable energy in the United States. The need for this group is justified by the ongoing cuts in funding for renewable. Many leaders in Congress are unaware of even the basic benefits of renewable energy; much less the many benefits: including a cleaner environment and reduced dependence on foreign fuel imports. If your Representative is not one of the members of the HREC please encourage them to become one. Many organizations support the HREC including: American Solar Energy Society, American Wind Energy Association and Union of Concerned Scientists, to name a few.

What about Solar Energy?
The 105th Congress does not address Solar Energy! This is an important, ecofriendly energy source.....write a letter or send an e-mail demanding bills that address solar energy!!

These are the bills that I found in my research that might be of some importance to you. To further research on legislation in the 105th Congress check out the Library of Congress, THOMAS . If you notice that issues that are of concern to you are not addressed please contact your Congressmember and tell them your concerns.


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