


Essay# 1:

1)      Hays, Elizabeth. “Boros Shorted on AIDS Funds.” NY Daily News. 28 April 2006. Search: 5 July 2007.

2)      Shelby, Joyce. “Hostpital’s HIV Project AIDS Caribs.” NY Daily News. 15 Dec. 2003. Search: 5 July 2007.

3)      Kat. “SUNY AIDS-Mech 1.” Suny Downstate. 7 June 2001. Search: 5 July 2007.

4)      Colangelo, Lisa. “Free Condoms Cover 10 Million.” NY Daily News. 1 June 2007. Search: 5 July 2007.

5)      Taormino, Tristsn. “Clueless In New York.” The Village Voice. 3 June 2007. Search: 11 July 2007.,taormino,77115,24.html

6)      (Does not list name). “Fight New AIDS Tide B’klyn Drive Starts.” NY Daily News. 31 July 2006. Search 11 July 2007.

 7)      Interlandi, Jeneen. “ Green card Negative.” The Village Voice. 1 May 2007. Search: 10 July 2007.,interlandi,76544,2.html/3

8)      Shelby, Joyce. “A Crusade Against AIDS.” NY Daily News. 11 Mar. 2003. Search: 11 July 2007.

9)      “New Zip Code Definitions.” New York Department of Health. 2006. 5 July 2007.  

10)  Yoshino, Jun. “Cumulative AIDS Diagnoses.” New York Department of Health.

11)  Census Bureau: American Fact Finder.

12)  Yoshino, Jun. “People Living with HIV/AIDS at the end of December 2004.” New York Department of Health.

13)  Cowley, Geoffrey. “Health Department Launches the Nation’s First Official City Condom.” New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.


Essay # 3:  

1) Andrews, S. “Social Support as a Stress Buffer among Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Seropositive Urban Mothers.” Holistic Nursing Practice. 10 (1): 36-43. 1995.

2) Center for Disease Control. (1991). Mortality attributable to HIV infection/AIDS-United States, 1981-1990. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly report, 40(3),41-44

3) Author unknown).“Fighting the New AIDS Tide in Brooklyn Drive Starts Today.” New York Daily News. 31 Jul. 2006.

4) Shelby, Joyce. “A Crusade Against AIDS.” NY Daily News. 11 Mar. 2003. Search: 11 July 2007.

5) Kat. “SUNY AIDS-Mech 1.” Suny Downstate. 7 June 2001. Search: 5 July 2007.

6) Kann L, et al. Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance-United States, 1999 State and local YRBSS Coordinators. Journal of Sch. Health 2000; 70(7):271-285.

7) Miller, S.M. (1990). Race in the Health of America. In P.R. Lee & C. L. Estes (Eds.), The Nation’s Health (3rd ea., (pp54-67). Boston: Jones and Bartlett.

8) US department of Health and Human Services. (1990) Healthy people 2000 (conference edition). Washington, DC: author.

9) Obot, I.S., Hubbard, S., Anthony, J.J.(1999) Level of education and inject drug use among African American. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 1; 55(1-2), 177-182.

10) Wolfe, W.A (2003). Overlooked role of African American males’ hypermasculinity in the epidemic of unintended pregnancies and HIV/AIDS cases with young African American women. Journal of the National Medical Association, 95, 846-852.

11) Harris SM., Gold, SR., & Henderson, B.B. (1991) Relationship between achievement and affiliation needs and sex-role orientation of college women whose fathers were absent from home. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 72, 1307-1315.

12) Champion, J.J., Shain, R.N., Piper, J., and Perdue, S.T. (2001). Sexual abuse and sexual risk behaviors of minority women with sexually transmitted diseases. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 23, 241-254.

13) a. Vlahov D, Wientage D, Moor J, et al. Violence among women with or at risk for HIV Infection. AIDS Behavior. 1998;2:53-60.

       b. Zierler S, Feingold L, Laufer D, Velengas O, Kantrowitz-Gordon I, Mayer K. Adult supervisors of childhood sexual abuse and subsequent risk of HIV infection. American Journal of Public Health. 1991; 81:572-575.

       c. Dunkle KL, Jewkes RK, Brown HC, Gray GE, McIntyre JA Harlow SD. Gender-based violence, relationship power and risk of HIV infection in women attending antenatal clinics in South Africa. Lancet. 2004;363:1415-1420.

14) Wojeicki,J. (2002). “She drank his money.” Survival sex and the problem of violence in taverns in Gauteg province in South Africa. Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 16, 267-293.

15)  a. Pennebaker JW, Mayne TJ, Francis ME. Linguistic Predictors of Adaptive Bereavment. Journal of Personal and Social Psychology. 1997; 72(4):863-871.

        b. Brimlow DL, Cook JS, Seaton R. Stigma & HIV/AIDS: a review of the literature. Rockville, MD: Health Resource and Services Administration, HIV/AIDS Bureau; 2003.


16) Kipke, M.D., O’Connor, S., Palmer, R., & Mackenzie, R.G. (1995) Street youth in Los Angeles: Profile a group at high risk for human immunodeficiency virus infection. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, 149, 513-519.

17) Wingood GM, DiClemente RJ, Hubbard McCree D, Harrington K, Davies S. Dating violence and African American adolescent females’ sexual health. Pediatrics. 2002; 107:E72-E75.

18) Gamble VN. Under the Shadow of Tuskegee: African Americans and Healthcare. American Journal of Public Health. 1997; 87:1773-1778.

19) Miller, BC. (1998). Families matter: A research synthesis of family influences on adolescent pregnancy. Washington, DC: National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnacy.

20) DiIorio, C., Kelley, M., & Hockenberry-Eaton, M. (1999). Communication about sexual issues: Mothers, fathers and friends. Journal of Adolescent Health, 24, 181-189.

21) a. Miller BC, et al. Family relationships and adolescent pregnancy risk: a research synthesis. Dev Rev 2001; 21(1):1-38.

22) Romer D, et al. “Talking computers: a reliable and private method to conduct interviews on sensitive subjects with children.” Journal Sex Res. 1997;34(1):3-9.

      b. Whiteker DJ, Miller KS. Parent-adolescent discussions about sex and condoms: impact on peer influences of sexual risk behavior. Journal of Adolescent Res. 2000; 15(2):251-273.

      c. Mandara J, et al. Predictors of African American adolescent sexual activity: an ecological framework. Journal of Black Psychology 2003:29(3):337-356.

23)  Shelby, Joyce. “A Crusade Against AIDS.” NY Daily News. 11 Mar. 2003. Search:


11 July 2007.

24) “Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD).” The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. 2007

25) New York Treatment and care Resources. The Access Network. 25 Feb. 2007.

26) Caribbean Women’s Health Association, Inc. HIV/AIDS. 2005.

27) Shelby, Joyce. “Hostpital’s HIV Project AIDS Caribs.” NY Daily News. 15 Dec. 2003. Search: 5 July 2007.


28) "ACQC's Syringe Exchange Program." AIDS Center of Queens County Substance Use Prevention. 2006. ACQC. 26 July 2007. (Resource recommended by Pooh)

29) (Author unknown).“Fighting the New AIDS Tide in Brooklyn Drive Starts Today.” New York Daily News. 31 Jul. 2006.

30) Spigner, Clarence. Human Immunodeficiency Virus and the Health of African Americans. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development. Vol. 21, issue 3. Jul. 1993.