Ol Doinyo Lengai


by: Zack Buzzell

Eruption of T58B
Eruptive History









The Tale of Ol Doinyo Lengai

            Thousands of years ago, there was a benevolent, omnipotent God by the name of Mufasa.  Mufasa was the God of everything good on the Earth, presiding over all of the land during the day.  His evil brother Scar was granted rule over the night, but he was always jealous of his older brother Mufasa.  During the daytime, Scar would turn into a hippopotamus and harass the local townspeople.  The grayish black creature was deceptively fast, goring and killing many people every year.  Mufasa eventually got sick of Scar’s murderous activities, and thus devised a way to imprison his brother during the daytime.  Mufasa sent his magician, Rafiki, to lure Scar under the mountain El Doinyo Lengai.  Once Scar was inside, Rafiki sealed the mountain shut forever.  Scar was outraged and transformed back into a hippo in attempt to use his strength to burst out of the mountain.  His efforts were to no avail, however.  The mountain rumbled, emitting black, fast-flowing lava.  Much like the hippo, the blackish gray lava was deceptively quick, threatening to surround and kill the local townspeople.  During the night, however, Scar’s lava would become red, reminding all of the humans that he still is the king of the night. 

*This is not a legit myth.  It was fabricated for a class project*


Questions about this site? Contact me at zbuzzell@mail.colgate.edu