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AIDS in Indiana County

Project Two: Correlations



Population Density Correlations



The last significant correlation I found was for population density.  I hoped that finding a strong correlation for population density would be able to account in part for the outlying nature of Allegheny County.  So, I attained the area and density figures for Southwestern Pennsylvania and found correlation coefficients (Table 10; Map 11; Map 12).[16] There was a certain, strong, and positive correlation for population density, but the correlation actually became insignificantly negative upon removing Allegheny County (Graph 10; Graph 10a).  This change, like many of the other insignificant recalculated correlations, can be attributed to the fact that the other counties are so similar in one aspect of the correlation that any slight deviation in the other aspect will be magnified and decrease the likelihood, certainty, and strength of a correlation.
