New York State Medicaid Agreement
If I was public health official for Orange County, I would make sure that all residents who suffer from financial restraints are enrolled in the New York State HIV Primary Medicaid Program. In other words, this federal Medicaid program is a “reimbursement methodology for clinic services provided to HIV infected patients in an effort to reach these patients at an early stage when they will be able to receive the maximum benefit from the most recently discovered treatment.” (1). Therefore under New York State law, the HIV primary care provider must arrange a system for the underprivileged patient. The New York State HIV Primary Medicaid Program provides HIV testing visit, HIV counseling with testing visit, HIV (positive) counseling, initial/annual comprehensive HIV medical evaluation visit, HIV monitoring visit and emergency care for the patient who is financially limited. (5). Also according to this bill, New York State has established four programs to fund its uninsured HIV patients including: ADAP, ADAP Plus, ADAP Plus Insurance Continuation and the HIV Home Care Program. “The mission of these programs is to provide access to medical services and medications for all New York State residents with HIV/AIDS. The programs’ dual goals are: to empower individuals to seek, access, and receive medical care and prescription drugs without cost; and to supply a stable and timely funding stream to health care providers, enabling them to use the revenues to develop program capacity to meet the needs of the uninsured New York HIV population.” (7).