The first step in how we tried to study who the AIDS data pertained to for Montgomery County was to separate the information for men and women. This way we could begin to understand whether there were more men or women with the disease. These statistics were compared to the number of cases for Maryland and the United States for each sex so that we may discover any underlying trends and compare data at the state and national level.
AIDS Rates for the Nation, State and County By Gender
The Data
The table above displays the total number of AIDS cases and of those cases, the percentage of males and females living with AIDS in the United States, Maryland and Montgomery. In the United States as a nation, the data indicates there are about four times as many men infected with AIDS than women. This might be a result from unsafe intimacies among the gay population or from infected women with multiple partners. (The information regarding the mode of transmission is explored on the How?page.) Additionally, the number of HIV+ cases for men is about 2.5 times greater than for women, revealing there are more men who have contracted the HIV virus but have not yet developed AIDS. This incidence information is confidential for the state of Maryland and for Montgomery County and therefore will not be able to be compared at the state and county level.
Both Maryland and Montgomery County have similar percentages for the cumulative number of females and males with AIDS, again with men having a higher prevalence. The state and the county demonstrate the prevalence of AIDS is approximately three times greater in men than in women. These concurrent percentages reveal that whatever the means of contraction of AIDS for men is at the state level is most likely the same agency at the county level as well. The next step in interpreting this data would be to investigate the modes of transmission. This information would help determine what is the main method for developing AIDS among men and women, and perhaps which groups should be targeted for education about the prevention of HIV and AIDS.