Correlations Spreadsheet

AreaofResidence AIDSCasesasof2006 TotalPopulation AIDSRateper100,000 Medianhouseholdincomein1999 PopulationinHouseholds
Campbellcity,California 115 38,187 301 67,214 37,848
Cupertinocity,California 65 50,657 128 100,411 50,098
Gilroycity,California 50 41,587 120 62,135 41,034
LosAltoscity,California 40 27,585 145 126,740 27,274
LosGatostown,California 79 28,683 275 94,319 27,890
Milpitascity,California 98 62,714 156 84,429 59,524
MorganHillcity,California 35 33,635 104 81,958 33,051
MountainViewcity,California 183 70,467 260 69,362 70,024
PaloAltocity,California 117 58,783 199 90,377 57,930
SanJosecity,California 2,366 893,889 265 70,243 884,079
SantaClaracity,California 291 102,104 285 69,466 99,574
Saratogacity,California 29 29,855 97 139,895 29,592
Sunnyvalecity,California 250 131,905 190 74,409 130,885
%Unmarried-partner households Unmarried-partnerhouseholds %MaleandMaleHouseholds Malehouseholderandmalepartner Per. Pop. Male 35-44 yrs w/ assoc. deg.
3.007 1,138 0.1189 45 0.089
1.096 549 0.0579 29 0.038
1.872 768 0.0682 28 0.076
1.019 278 0.0733 20 0.022
2.044 570 0.1040 29 0.070
1.191 709 0.0790 47 0.091
1.858 614 0.0938 31 0.106
2.748 1,924 0.1828 128 0.044
1.921 1,113 0.1295 75 0.028
1.703 15,059 0.1258 1,112 0.089
2.069 2,060 0.1386 138 0.080
0.784 232 0.0879 26 0.040
1.954 2,557 0.1383 181 0.071
0.731   0.6951   0.219
Population 18 years and over: Male; 35 to 44 years Population 18 years and over: Male; 35 to 44 years; Associate degree Per. Pop. In families Population in families: Total Per. Pop. Born in other state in the US
3769 337 0.72 27580 3.98
5518 207 0.86 43402 4.28
3550 271 0.86 35842 6.07
2389 53 0.87 23912 2.73
2580 180 0.75 21395 2.79
6355 578 0.83 52141 7.66
3175 335 0.87 29162 3.71
7535 332 0.67 47294 3.53
5117 144 0.73 43017 2.78
84487 7545 0.83 737577 5.83
9815 787 0.74 75599 4.66
2609 105 0.90 26950 3.21
13076 922 0.76 100048 4.22
    -0.82   -0.07
Total population: Foreign born Per. Pop. Native Total population: Native
8281 1.28 29906
21659 1.75 28998
10042 1.32 31545
4857 1.21 22728
4260 1.17 24423
29646 1.90 33068
5104 1.18 28531
24661 1.54 45806
15573 1.36 43210
329757 1.58 564132
35694 1.54 66410
7656 1.34 22199
51990 1.65 79915
%Hispanic HispanicorLatino %BlackorAfricanAmerican
13.31081 5,083 2.44
3.96786 2,010 0.63
53.61772 22,298 1.48
2.97988 822 0.46
5.19820 1,491 0.76
16.61033 10,417 3.49
27.43868 9,229 1.60
18.32205 12,911 2.38
4.63059 2,722 1.98
30.20386 269,989 3.30
16.02680 16,364 2.19
3.13515 936 0.37
15.45809 20,390 2.12
-0.09383   0.46